SERVERS TLP servers do require AllAccess (subscription). Server status Server population history . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: EQUIPMENT Collect and buy Defiant armor and weapons from The Bazaar and by killing mobs. All mobs do drop them randomly and their level does define which tier (crude, simple, rough, etc.). So you can get much better defiant gear when you kill even, yellow and red cons. . Check out Franklin Teek's daily tasks in PoK for belt, shoulder and back item rewards. There are also a few weapon quests in Blightfire Moors. The tutorial quests in the mines do also reward equipment including a weapon and a charm item. Also check out the spells from the tutorial vendor because one for each class is only accessible there. ................................................................................................................................................................. Crescent Reach Quests . Weapon quests: ................................................................................................................................................................. Level 1+ Boawb's Jealousy (Simple Consigned weapon, Simple Consigned shield, belt, clicky mask !) ................................................................................................................................................................. Level 10+ A Dark Heart (Staff of the Dark Apprentice) ................................................................................................................................................................. Blightfire Moors Quests . Weapon quests: ................................................................................................................................................................. Level 25+ The Golden Pick (Stop the quest line after receiving The Golden Pick which is not the final reward !) ................................................................................................................................................................. Level 27+ Treantwood Staff Hammer of the Gnoll Slayer ................................................................................................................................................................. Level 32+ Scout Ethaniel #4: Bixie Thralls . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: HOTZONES Augmentations do randomly drop there. The zones do also offer an experience bonus. This does not mean that they do offer the best possible experience ratio per mob. Some of those zones are included in Franklin Teek's daily tasks (PoK) that do get rotated monthly. Zone - Min level - Max level Lake of Ill Omen - 1-30 Paludal Caverns - 7-25 Upper Guk - 7-30 (negative faction hits) South Karana - 15-35 (Aviak tree from 18-24) Stonebrunt Mountains - 15-40 Nedaria's Landing - 17-35 Blightfire Moors - 15-45 Solusek's Eye (Solusek A) - 19-45 Crypt of Dalnir - 27-37 Great Divide - 28-55 Emerald Jungle - 30-45 Stone Hive - 30-50 Scarlet Desert - 30-50 . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Adventure Spots Adventures and expeditions do require a minimum of two player characters and one mercenary ! Leveling Guide . Lost Dungeons of Norrath (LDoN) instanced adventures can be started at level 15 and are good experience until level 75. A small optional quest can be done to unlock all the teleportation options from the magus NPCs and to receive the Adventurer's Stone. Visit Magus Alaria in the Guild Lobby to start. . At level 15-80 you can do Prophecy of Ro (PoR) monster missions (difficult, so bring friends !). Visit a wandering zombie in the Commonlands for Befallen: The Dead's Claim. . At level 20 you can start with the lower Dragons of Norrath (DoN) instanced adventures. Visit Derin Mausrel in the Commonlands for Befallen: The Rise of Marnek. Another task is North Qeynos: Sleeping on the Job that does start at Guard Freklin in Qeynos Hills near the zone line to North Qeynos. You will need level 30-35 when doing that solo as there are some tough fights at the end. . Starting with level 50 or 55 you can do the higher Dragons of Norrath (DoN) instanced adventures. Visit Savil Tranquilsong in the Butcherblock Mountains near the zone line to Greater Faydark for Estate of Unrest: The Curse Begins. There is also a similar quest for Hate's Fury: Setting Sail that does start in Crypt of Nadox at a shady merchant. He is located at the coast far behind. . Call of the Forsaken (CotF) instanced heroic adventures (HAs) can be started at lvl 75 and are good exp until lvl 105. They are similar to Lost Dungeons of Norrath adventures. Visit Gribble Grobblenobber in the Dead Hills. . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Boxing Definition: The window of the game client is called a box in EQ. Boxing is the ability to use more than one player character (game client / account) on the same server at the same time. A player that is boxing is called a boxer and a bundle of such player characters is called a boxer group. Abbreviations: CC = Crowd Control Charm = The caster can control an enemy (NPC or PC) like a pet. DPS = Damage per second / A class that is doing much damage per second. DS = Damage Shield Evac = Does quickly port the group to the safe spot of the zone. Haste = A buff that does increase the melee speed/DPS. IvU = Invis vs Undead MEZ = Mesmerize (putting a mob to sleep) Ports = Teleportation spells that do offer quick travelling to some firm zone locations. Puller = A player that does aggro and lead mobs (NPCs) to a spot / group / raid. proc = A spell effect that does get randomly triggered. Proc = proceed. Snare = Does reduce movement speed which is good for fleeing mobs or to escape. Color legend: Blue = Available Orange = Available but weak or limited ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Slowing class comparison Bard: Best puller, descent CC (charm or mez, snare), good DPS, best haste because of overhaste songs, mana and HP regen songs, does need melee positioning. Enchanter: Best CC, best mana regen, two auras for all kind of bonuses, moderate DPS, good puller. Shaman: Great melee and HP regen buffs, strongest slow spells, second best DoTs (good DPS), second best heals, descent CC by root, average puller. Beastlord: MNK/SHM hybrid but basically a good melee DPS pet class that does need positioning, poor CC, does receive FD AA at higher levels but is still a weak puller. A balanced and easy class with no outstanding abilities. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Duo boxing Do not use two or more melee classes (ROG, BER, MNK, WAR, PAL, SHD, BST) as this would be inefficient and much work. For best results you need a tank and a damage dealer (DPS class). Let a merc be the main healer as playing a healer is difficult, especially for boxing. Backup healing is good to have tho. Many combinations are possible. Some are more defensive and might kill slower while other combinations can kill or travel faster. The tank can be a WAR, SHD, PAL or a pet class. Magician and necro are fine while the beastlord pet is weak at lower to medium levels even with slowed mobs, but it does get stronger after that. You want to have snare, slow and root/mez/charm in your group for crowd control. A bard can do all but root and can even single pull. ................................................................................................................................................................. Easy difficulty SHD + SHM . snare, slow, haste, root/mez/charm, evac, ports, DS, tracking, basic foraging, picklock, invis, IvU . Tons of buffs but is not the best duo for pulling and CC. The duo has medium to high DPS. ................................................................................................................................................................. PAL + DRU . snare, slow, haste, root/mez/charm, evac, ports, DS, tracking, foraging, picklock, invis, IvU . DRU does receive mass snare/root and both have the aggro reducing lull/harmony spell lines for easier pulls. Very defensive duo as both classes are good backup healers but does lack slow and haste. DRU can mez and charm animals (and plants at lower levels). DRU can be replaced by a RNG for more DPS and Earthcaller (melee proc) slow but does have less CC and support. The duo has low DPS. ................................................................................................................................................................. Medium difficulty WAR + BRD . snare, slow, haste, root/mez/charm, evac, ports, DS, tracking, foraging, picklock, invis, IvU . BRD is the best puller, WAR is the best tank. Pretty straightforward with single pulls but does lack advanced CC. The only listed duo that can open locked doors for rather low level zones like Old Sebilis, Ssra and Vex Thal. The duo has medium DPS. ................................................................................................................................................................. High difficulty MAG + ENC . snare, slow, haste, root/mez/charm, evac, ports, DS, tracking, basic foraging, picklock, invis, IvU . Two pet classes with many buffs and auras. Very versatile duo that can handle nearly all situations with great mana regen. Mage pets do become good tanks at medium and higher levels. The duo has medium DPS. ................................................................................................................................................................. NEC + BST . snare, slow, haste, root/mez/charm, evac, ports, DS, tracking, basic foraging, picklock, invis, IvU . Two pet classes. Not the best duo for pulling and CC but can offtank mobs and heal their pets. NEC can mez and charm undeads (only) and can grant the mana hungry BST some of it's mana. The duo has high DPS. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Trio boxing You need three core roles: Tank, DPS, CC + puller. One merc will do the healing as it is very uncomfortable to box a main healer. Here a setup that I do call the "Slacker Travel Group". As you can see at the blue tags, about everything is covered. snare, slow, haste, root/mez/charm, evac, ports, DS, tracking, foraging, (picklock), invis, IvU ................................................................................................................................................................. Tank: Magician - Earth pet wil be a beast above lvl 100 when having much pet AAs. The magician is also DPS, has CotH, the best DS and pet toys. More comfortable to play than a plate tank (positioning). Can pet pull and can summon Worlu's Windcloak at lvl 71 which does grant SoS (advanced Invis + IVU). Combined with CotH this is nice. Each class can also drink Potion of Unlife Awareness. ................................................................................................................................................................. CC: Enchanter or bard. Bard is by far the best puller but does need melee positioning. Does also speed up travelling and has picklock (not needed in end game on live servers), tracking and foraging. Enchanter has IvU and best CC and best group mana regen, auras like the powerfull Twincast Aura at lvl 84, and buffs. Boxing two pet classes can be annoying when one is a magician even that there are synergy effects. ................................................................................................................................................................. DPS: Druid if you want travel options, best foraging, tracking, emergency healing, additional CC and evac. Also a great class if you focus on quests and progression. Does receive fire and cold DD proc auras. Necro would offer more DPS than the druid and can offtank adds, but has not many usefull extra tools for boxing. IvU is usefull. ................................................................................................................................................................. Healer: Cleric mercenary