EverQuest Dictionary | |||||
Word / Acronym | Meaning | Type[1] | Expansion | ||
1337 | Leet (Leetspeak) -> uber | Status | General | 1 | |
1HB | One-Hand Blunt | Skill | Original | 2 | |
1HP | One-Hand Pierce | Skill | Original | 3 | |
1HS | One-Hand Slash | Skill | Original | 4 | |
2HB | Two-Hand Blunt | Skill | Original | 5 | |
2HP | Two-Hand Pierce | Skill | Original | 6 | |
2HS | Two-Hand Slash | Skill | Original | 7 | |
989 | 989 Studios - Second development studio name, founded 1998. Successor of Sony Interactive Studios America (SISA). | Name | Original | 8 | |
A | AA | Alternate Advancement ; Alternative Ability | Reward | TSoL | 9 |
AB | Antonius Bayle ; European live server. | Name | General | 10 | |
ABB | Always be blasting | Note | General | 11 | |
ABC | Always be casting | Note | General | 12 | |
Absor | The avatar, NPC
and forum name of a developer. -> Alan VanCouvering |
Developer | General | 13 | |
AC | Armor Class | Stat | Original | 14 | |
AC | Acrylia Caverns | Zone | TSoL | 15 | |
ACoF | Ancient Cloak of Flames | Item | RoF | 16 | |
Add | Additional aggroed mob that does attack the player character(s). | Status | General | 17 | |
aDPS | Assisted / Attributed damage per second | Status | General | 18 | |
Adv | Adventure - Dynamic instanced zone | Technical | LDoN | 19 | |
AE ; AoE | Area of effect - Spell site of action | Effect | General | 20 | |
AFAIK | As far as I know | Note | General | 21 | |
AFK | Away from keyboard | Status | Original | 22 | |
Aggro | Player character does get attacked by NPC(s). | Status | General | 23 | |
AGI | Agility | Stat | Original | 24 | |
AHR | Aten Ha Ra | NPC | TSoL | 25 | |
AL | Arch Lich | NPC | TSoL | 26 | |
Alan VanCouvering | Developer -> Absor | Developer | General | 27 | |
ALEX | Aged Left Eye of Xygoz | Item | OoW | 28 | |
Anon | Anonymous PC status - Player character level, class, guild tag and location are hidden. | Status | Original | 29 | |
AOC | Agent of Change - An NPC that does grant access (AllAccess only) to raid instance zones. Was a progression server only feature until 2021-09-15. | NPC | CoV | 30 | |
AoF | Avatar of Fear | NPC | Original | 31 | |
AoN | Amulet of Necropotence | Item | Original | 32 | |
AoW | Avatar of War | NPC | TSoV | 33 | |
AP | Artisan's Prize | Item | TBM | 34 | |
AP | Adventure point | Reward | LDoN | 35 | |
AR | Akheva Ruins | Zone | TSoL | 36 | |
Aradune | The ranger
avatar of Brad McQuaid, one of the founders of EQ. -> Brad McQuaid |
Developer | Original | 37 | |
ASAP | As soon as possible | Time | General | 38 | |
Asssup | Assassin / Supplier in Lower Guk | Zone spot | Original | 39 | |
ATK | Attack | Stat | Original | 40 | |
ATM | At the moment | Time | General | 41 | |
B | BAF | Bringing a friend | Note | General | 42 |
BAR ; Barb | Barbarian | Race | Original | 43 | |
Baz | Bazaar | Zone | TSoL | 44 | |
BB | Bye bye | Greeting | General | 45 | |
BB | Blackburrow | Zone | Original | 46 | |
BB | Butcherblock Mountains | Zone | Original | 47 | |
BBL | Be back later | Greeting | General | 48 | |
BCG | Bone Clasped Girdle | Item | Original | 49 | |
BD | Blue Diamond | Item | Original | 50 | |
Belly caster | A mob is considered a belly caster if casting a detrimental spell on it will always result in the spell being resisted unless the caster is standing within melee range of the mob in question. | Status | General | 51 | |
BER ; Zerker | Berserker | Class | GoD | 52 | |
BF | Bloodfalls | Zone | ToL | 53 | |
BFG | Breezeboot's Frigid Gnasher - Ultra-rare weapon with reference to the BFG9000 from the game Doom. | Item | TSoV | 54 | |
BFT | Blessed Faydark Thunderbolt | Item | PoP | 55 | |
BG | a broken golem | NPC | Original | 56 | |
BG | Breeding Grounds | Zone | RoF | 57 | |
Bill Trost | William Trost - One of the founders of EQ | Developer | General | 58 | |
bio | I must water the horse; I have to powder my nose; Toilet break | Status | General | 59 | |
BiS | Best in slot | Note | General | 60 | |
BJS | Baby Joseph Sayer | Item | Original | 61 | |
Blob1 | Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek | NPC | TSoL | 62 | |
Blob2 | Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra | NPC | TSoL | 63 | |
blue ; btm | Blue con ; Blue to me | Status | Original | 64 | |
BoA | Basilica Of Adumbration | Zone | ToL | 65 | |
BoC | Blade of Carnage | Item | TSoV | 66 | |
BoP | Bag of Platinum | Currency | General | 67 | |
BoT | Bastion of Thunder | Zone | PoP | 68 | |
BotH ; BoH | Bracer of the Hidden | Item | TRoK | 69 | |
Box | The window of the game client. | Technical | General | 70 | |
Boxer ; boxing | A player who does use more than one player character (game client / account) on the same server at the same time. A bundle of such player characters is called a boxer group. | Status | General | 71 | |
BP | Breastplate | Item | Original | 72 | |
BP | Blood Point | Item | TRoK | 73 | |
Brad McQuaid | One of the founders of EQ -> Aradune | Developer | General | 74 | |
brb | Be right back | Status | General | 75 | |
BRD | Bard | Class | Original | 76 | |
brt | Be right there | Status | General | 77 | |
BS | Black Sapphire | Item | Original | 78 | |
BS | Backstab (ROG) | Skill | Original | 79 | |
BST ; BL | Beastlord | Class | TSoL | 80 | |
btw | By the Way | Note | General | 81 | |
bug | Software development error ; unintended game process | Technical | Original | 82 | |
Burn | Maximum damage per second | Status | General | 83 | |
BW | Burning Woods | Zone | TRoK | 84 | |
C | C ; C1 ; C2 | Clarity ; Clarity II (ENC mana regen buffs) -> Crack | Spell | General | 85 |
C1 | First castle in Plane of Fire | Zone spot | PoP | 86 | |
C2 | Second castle in Plane of Fire | Zone spot | PoP | 87 | |
Camo | Camouflage (RNG & DRU invisibility spell) | Spell | Original | 88 | |
Camp ; camped | A firm location for killing NPCs and other actions that is being occupied by players. ; Location is being occupied. | Status | Original | 89 | |
CAT GIRL | Can't Always Talk Great In Real Life | Note | General | 90 | |
CB | Crushbone - Zone ; Orc clan | Zone | Original | 91 | |
CC | Camp Check | Request | General | 92 | |
CC | Crowd Control | Technical | General | 93 | |
CC | Crystal Caverns | Zone | TSoV | 94 | |
CCS | Crystal Chitin Shield ; Crystal Covered Shroud | Item | TSoV | 95 | |
CD | Cooldown - Casting, disciplines and abilities refresh timers | Effect | General | 96 | |
CE | Celestial Essence | Item | PoP | 97 | |
CH | Chromatic Haze | AA | General | 98 | |
CH | Complete Heal (CLR) | Spell | Original | 99 | |
CHA | Charisma | Stat | Original | 100 | |
Charm | A level 11 enchanter spell that does let the caster (PC or NPC) control it's target as a pet. | Spell | Original | 101 | |
Charm | Items that do fit into the charm slot of the inventory of a PC. | Item | LoY | 102 | |
Charm ; charmed | A spell effect
that does let the caster (PC or NPC) control it's target as a pet. Classes
that can cause such an effect: BRD, DRU, ENC, MAG, NEC, SHM. |
Effect | Original | 103 | |
CiH | Cats in Hats - Raid guild on the Drinal server | Guild | General | 104 | |
CL | Commonlands | Zone | PoR | 105 | |
CLA | Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened | Zone | SoF | 106 | |
CLR | Cleric | Class | Original | 107 | |
cmon | come on | Note | General | 108 | |
CoA | Citadel of Anguish | Zone | OoW | 109 | |
CoB | City of Bronze | Zone | VoA | 110 | |
CoCW | Cloak of Crystalline Waters | Item | Original | 111 | |
CoD | Crypt of Decay | Zone | PoP | 112 | |
CoF | Cloak of Flames | Item | Original | 113 | |
CoH ; CotH | Call of the Hero (MAG) | Spell | TRoK | 114 | |
Coirnav | Corvina | Anagram | PoP | 115 | |
Columbus Nova | Company - Officially linked to Jason Epstein and inofficially linked to the Renova group. | Name | General | 116 | |
CoM | Circle of Mana | Focus | PoR | 117 | |
CoM | City of Mist | Zone | TRoK | 118 | |
Con | Considering the level and strenght of an NPC or PC. | Status | General | 119 | |
Conga | Congratulations ! | Note | General | 120 | |
CoP | Circle of Power | Focus | PoR | 121 | |
CotF | Call of the Forsaken | Expansion | CotF | 122 | |
CoV | Claws of Veeshan | Expansion | CoV | 123 | |
CP | Copper piece(s) | Currency | Original | 124 | |
CR | Celestial Regeneration | Spell | General | 125 | |
CR | Cold resistance | Stat | Original | 126 | |
CR | Corpse run | Technical | General | 127 | |
CR | Crescent Reach | Zone | TSS | 128 | |
Crack | Mind crack (ENC mana regen buff) -> C | Spell | General | 129 | |
Crash | Hardware or software disfunction that does close a local game client or a game server. | Technical | Original | 130 | |
Crypt | Camp in Old Sebilis | Zone spot | TRoK | 131 | |
CS | Cobalt Scar | Zone | TSoV | 132 | |
CSS | Crystalline Short Sword | Item | TRoK | 133 | |
CT | Cazic Thule | NPC | Original | 134 | |
cyu ; cya | See you ! ; See yah ! | Greeting | General | 135 | |
D | DA | Divine Aura (CLR & PAL invulnerability spell) | Spell | Original | 136 |
Daybreak Studios | Fourth
development studio name. Successor of Verant Interactive. -> DB |
Name | General | 137 | |
DB ; DBG ; DBGC | Daybreak ; Daybreak Games ; Daybreak Games Company | Name | General | 138 | |
DBC ; DB | Daybreak Cash ; Daybreak Cash coins | Currency | General | 139 | |
DBoW | Darkblade of the Warlord | Item | PoP | 140 | |
DC | Dire Charm (Spell ; AA) | Spell | Original | 141 | |
DC | Dagnor's Cauldron | Zone | Original | 142 | |
DD | Direct Damage | Effect | General | 143 | |
DEF ; DE | Dark Elf | Race | Original | 144 | |
Deflect | Deflection Discipline (PAL SHD) | Discipline | SoD | 145 | |
derv | Dervish Cutthroat - NPCs from Antonica | NPC | Original | 146 | |
Dev | Developer ; Game developer - Audio, art software, etc. | Status | General | 147 | |
DEX | Dexterity | Stat | Original | 148 | |
DF | Deathfist - Orc clan from Antonica | NPC | Original | 149 | |
DH | Dead Hills | Zone | CotF | 150 | |
DI | Divine Intervention (CLR) | Spell | TRoK | 151 | |
Ding ; DING | Level up | Note | General | 152 | |
Disc | Discipline - Special short duration abilities | Technical | TSoL | 153 | |
Disco 1 ; Disco 2 | Zone spots in Old Sebilis | Zone spot | TRoK | 154 | |
Disconnect | Disconnection between the game cient and server or the internet. | Technical | Original | 155 | |
ditto | Used when
someone wants to say the same thing in return to someone, but can't be arsed
to type the full thing. Means 'same here' pretty much. |
Note | General | 156 | |
DKP | Dragon Kill Points - Raid loot share system | Currency | General | 157 | |
DL | Dreadlands | Zone | TRoK | 158 | |
DMF | Dead Man Floating (NEC) | Spell | Original | 159 | |
dmg | Damage | Status | General | 160 | |
DN | Dragon Necropolis | Zone | TSoV | 161 | |
DNC | Does not combine (tradeskills) | Status | General | 162 | |
DoDH ; Dodh | Depths of Darkhollow | Expansion | DoDH | 163 | |
DoN | Dragons of Norrath | Expansion | DoN | 164 | |
DoT | Damage over Time | Effect | General | 165 | |
DP ; DPG | Darkpaw ;
Darkpaw Games - Fifth development studio name. Sucessor of Daybreak Studios. |
Name | General | 166 | |
DPM | Damage per mana | Technical | General | 167 | |
DPS | Damage per Second ; Offensive damage dealing class | Status | General | 168 | |
DR | Disease resistance | Stat | Original | 169 | |
Dralliw`tar | Rat Willard - NPC in Dragon Necropolis | Anagram | TSoV | 170 | |
Drinal | Aldrin - A reference to Buzz Aldrin. -> Trorsmang | Anagram | Original | 171 | |
DRK | Drakkin | Race | TSS | 172 | |
Drolvarg | Varg Lord -> Wolf Lord (Varg = Wolf in swedish and norwegian) | Anagram | TRoK | 173 | |
Drop | Accessible item(s) on the corpse of an NPC or PC after being killed. -> Loot | Reward | General | 174 | |
DRU ; Drood | Druid | Class | Original | 175 | |
DS | Damage Shield | Spell | Original | 176 | |
DSH | Dragonscale Hills | Zone | SoF | 177 | |
DSP ; DP | Dawnshroud Peaks | Zone | TSoL | 178 | |
DT | Death Touch (NPC) | Ability | Original | 179 | |
DWF ; Dorf | Dwarf | Race | Original | 180 | |
DZ | Dynamic zone or expedition instance | Technical | LDoN | 181 | |
E | E`ci | Ice | Anagram | Original | 182 |
EB | Enduring Breath | Spell | Original | 183 | |
EC | East Commonlands - An old partially retired zone. | Zone | Original | 184 | |
EFP | East Freeport | Zone | Original | 185 | |
EJ | Emerald Jungle | Zone | TRoK | 186 | |
EK | East Karana | Zone | Original | 187 | |
ELF ; WE | Wood Elf | Race | Original | 188 | |
ENC ; Chanter | Enchanter | Class | Original | 189 | |
EoF | Eye of Fire - Guild on the Drinal server | Guild | General | 190 | |
EoK | Empires of Kunark | Expansion | EoK | 191 | |
Epic 1.0 | First class epic weapon | Item | TRoK | 192 | |
Epic 1.5 | First version of the second class epic weapon | Item | OoW | 193 | |
Epic 2.0 | Second version of the second class epic weapon | Item | OoW | 194 | |
Epic 2.5 | Third version of the second class epic weapon - Upgraded with invisible Aug from Demiplane of Blood. | Item | DoDH | 195 | |
EPs | Elemental Planes | Zone | PoP | 196 | |
EQ | EverQuest | Name | Original | 197 | |
EQTC | EQ Traders Corner - EQtraders.com | Website | General | 198 | |
Erudin | Ruined | Anagram | Original | 199 | |
Escape | Does remove all NPC aggro from the rogue and activates Improved Invisibility. Other classes do have similar abilities on live servers. | AA | TSoL | 200 | |
ETA | Estimated time of arrival | Time | General | 201 | |
ETW | Extended Target Window | UI | VoA ? | 202 | |
ETWK | Ethernere Tainted West Karana | Zone | CotF | 203 | |
Evac | Evacuate - Basically a wizard teleport spell line, but also a term for druid teleport spells. Usefull for combat emergencies. -> Succor | Spell | Original | 204 | |
even ; etm ; wtm | Even con ; Even to me ; White to me | Status | Original | 205 | |
EW | Eastern Wastes | Zone | TSoV | 206 | |
exp | Experience (Original term) -> XP | Reward | Original | 207 | |
Exploit | Using a bug to get an advantage | Technical | Original | 208 | |
F | F1 | First field in Plane of Fire | Zone spot | PoP | 209 |
F2 | Feerrott The Dream | Zone | HoT | 210 | |
F2 | Second field in Plane of Fire | Zone spot | PoP | 211 | |
Farmer ; farming | A player that does kill huge amounts of NPCs to collect experience or items. -> Grinding | Status | General | 212 | |
FBO | Frenzied Burnout (MAG) | AA | General | 213 | |
FBSS | Flowing Black Silk Sash | Item | Original | 214 | |
FD | Feign Death (MNK) | Skill | Original | 215 | |
FD | Feign Death (SHD NEC) | Spell | Original | 216 | |
FE | Fierce Eye | AA | General | 217 | |
Felwithe | White Elf | Anagram | Original | 218 | |
Fennin Ro | Inferno | Anagram | Original | 219 | |
FFA | Free For All (Item loot on corpses) | Status | General | 220 | |
FFS | For Fuck's Sake (For Gods sake; Damn it!) | Expression | General | 221 | |
FG | Fungus Grove | Zone | TSoL | 222 | |
FIF | First In Force | Note | Original | 223 | |
FL | Friend list | Technical | General | 224 | |
Flash | Shield Flash (PAL SHD) | AA | General | 225 | |
FM | Full mana | Status | Original | 226 | |
FM | Frontier Mountains | Zone | TRoK | 227 | |
FOB | Field of Bone | Zone | TRoK | 228 | |
FP | Fireplace in Estate of Unrest | Zone spot | Original | 229 | |
FR | Fire resistance | Stat | Original | 230 | |
Freeze | A game client and/or an OS that does not react to keyboard and mouse input commands anymore for a longer amount of time. Can make a system reboot necessary. | Technical | Original | 231 | |
FRG | Froglok -> Guktan | Race | TLoY | 232 | |
FTP ; F2P | Free to play ; Free Player and Silver Player accounts | Status | General | 233 | |
FTW | For the win | Expression | General | 234 | |
Fungi tunic | Fungus Covered Scale Tunic | Item | TRoK | 235 | |
FV | Firiona Vie | Zone | TRoK | 236 | |
FWIW | For what it's worth (In my opinion) | Note | General | 237 | |
FYI | For your Information | Note | General | 238 | |
G | G2G | Got to go (must leave) -> GTG | Status | General | 239 |
Gank ; Ganker | Gang kill ; Gang killer | Status | General | 240 | |
Gay Lord ; Ghey Lord | Mithaniell Marr | NPC | PoP | 241 | |
GBS | Glowing Black Stone ; Glowing Black Sword | Item | Original | 242 | |
GBW | Group Black Wolf (DRU) | AA | General | 243 | |
GBW | Group Guardian of the Forest | AA | General | 244 | |
GD | Great Divide | Zone | TSoV | 245 | |
GE | Grieg's End | Zone | TSoL | 246 | |
GEBs | Golden Efreeti Boots | Item | Original | 247 | |
Gems | Mini game | Name | Original | 248 | |
GFay | Greater Faydark | Zone | Original | 249 | |
GG | Good game | Note | General | 250 | |
GGH | Grand Guild Hall | Zone | VoA | 251 | |
GH | Guild Hall | Zone | DoN | 252 | |
Gimp | A class or player that seems to be weak or has no explicit strenghts. Was often but not only used for the paladin, ranger and druid class in the early years. | Status | General | 253 | |
GINA | Software for log file based audio triggers and more. | Software | General | 254 | |
GL | Good luck ! | Note | General | 255 | |
GL | Guild leader | Status | General | 256 | |
GL | Guild Lobby | Zone | DoN | 257 | |
Glitch | Graphic error | Technical | Original | 258 | |
GLM | Grobb Liquidised Meat | Item | TSoL | 259 | |
GLS | Greater Lightstone | Item | Original | 260 | |
GM | Game master (Rank examples: Senior GM, Chef GM) | Status | Original | 261 | |
GN | Good night | Greeting | General | 262 | |
GNM ; Nome | Gnome | Race | Original | 263 | |
GoD | Gates of Discord | Expansion | GoD | 264 | |
GoM | Gift of Mana | AA | General | 265 | |
GoTF | Guardian of the Forest | AA | General | 266 | |
GP | Gold piece(s) | Currency | Original | 267 | |
gratz; grats | Congratulations ! | Note | General | 268 | |
grey ; gtm | Grey con ; Grey to me | Status | Original | 269 | |
Grinding | Repetitive and sometimes boring player behaviour like killing huge amounts of NPCs to collect experience or items. -> Farmer | Status | General | 270 | |
Group ; grp | A group of 2-6 player characters. -> Party | Status | General | 271 | |
GTG ; gtg | Good to go ; I am ready -> G2G | Status | General | 272 | |
Guide | Apprentice or amateur game master (Rank examples: Apprentice Guide, Senior Guide) | Status | Original | 273 | |
Guktan | Player Character race and froglok tribe from the Rathe Mountains. | Race | TLoY | 274 | |
GY | Graveyard | Status | General | 275 | |
H | H2H | Hand to Hand | Skill | Original | 276 |
HA | Heroic Adventure | Technical | CotF | 277 | |
hAGI | Heroic agility | Stat | SoF | 278 | |
Hamlord | Animated Hand, Arch Magus, Ghoul Lord camp in Lower Guk | Zone spot | Original | 279 | |
haste | Melee haste buff and item effect | Effect | Original | 280 | |
hCHA | Heroic charisma | Stat | SoF | 281 | |
hDEX | Heroic agility | Stat | SoF | 282 | |
hDEX | Heroic dexterity(stat) | Stat | SoF | 283 | |
HE | Half Elf | Race | Original | 284 | |
Health | Physical energy -> HP | Stat | Original | 285 | |
Heirloom | Items with this tag can be shared inbetween the player characters of an account by direct trade or shared bank slots. | Status | General | 286 | |
HFL ; Hobbit ; Assling | Halfling | Race | Original | 287 | |
HG | Hill giant | NPC | Original | 288 | |
HH | Hardcore Heritage - Seasonal event zones | Status | HoT | 289 | |
HH ; HPH | Highpass Hold | Zone | Original | 290 | |
HIE | High Elf | Race | Original | 291 | |
hINT | Heroic intelligence | Stat | SoF | 292 | |
HMP | Halas 10lb Meat Pie | Item | Original | 293 | |
HoD | Hands of Doom - Raid guild on the Antonius Bayle server | Guild | General | 294 | |
HoH | Halls of Honor | Zone | PoP | 295 | |
Holly Longdale | Former studio manager (Daybreak Studios) and player of EQ -> Holly Windstalker | Developer | General | 296 | |
Holly Windstalker | An NPC in Qeynos Hills and also the avatar of Holly Longdale -> Holly Longdale | NPC | Original | 297 | |
HoT | Heal over time | Effect | General | 298 | |
HoT | House of Thule | Expansion | HoT | 299 | |
HP | Health point(s) | Stat | Original | 300 | |
HQ | High quality (tradeskill pelts/furs/skins) | Status | Original | 301 | |
HS | Howling Stones | Zone | TRoK | 302 | |
hSTR | Heroic strenght | Stat | SoF | 303 | |
HT | Harm Touch (SHD) | Ability | Original | 304 | |
HUM | Human | Race | Original | 305 | |
hWIS | Heroic wisdom | Stat | SoF | 306 | |
I | IC | Iceclad Ocean | Zone | TSoV | 307 |
ID | Identify | Spell | Original | 308 | |
idk | I don't know | Note | General | 309 | |
IIRC | If I Remember Correctly | Note | General | 310 | |
IKS | Iksar | Race | TRoK | 311 | |
IMO | In my opinion | Note | General | 312 | |
INC ; inc | Incoming - Pulling a mob (NPC) to the players. -> Pull | Note | General | 313 | |
Inn 1 | The first easternmost inn in East Commonlands (An old partially retired zone) aka Harold's Inn | Zone spot | Original | 314 | |
Inn 2 | The second eastern inn in East Commonlands (An old partially retired zone) aka Juna's Inn | Zone spot | Original | 315 | |
Inn 3 | The third eastern inn in East Commonlands (An old partially retired zone) | Zone spot | Original | 316 | |
Inn 4 | The fourth (and last) eastern inn in East Commonlands (An old partially retired zone) | Zone spot | Original | 317 | |
INT | Intelligence | Stat | Original | 318 | |
inv | Inventory | UI | Original | 319 | |
invis | Invisibility | Spell | Original | 320 | |
IoG | Illusions of Grandeur | AA | RoF | 321 | |
IRL | In Real Life | Status | General | 322 | |
ISBoxer | Software for automated and simultaneous gameplay that can handle multiple integrated game clients. | Software | General | 323 | |
ITC | Improved Twincast | AA | General | 324 | |
ittstd | It's time to slay the dragon | Note | General | 325 | |
ITU | Invisibility To Undead | Spell | Original | 326 | |
IVU | Invisibility Versus Undead | Spell | Original | 327 | |
J | Jail | Camp in Old Sebilis | Zone spot | TRoK | 328 |
Jay Barbeau | Music composer
and sound artist of original EQ until The Shadows of Luclin. |
Developer | General | 329 | |
JBoots | Journeyman Boots | Item | Original | 330 | |
JC | Jewelcrafting | Skill | Original | 331 | |
Jennifer Chan ; JChan | Studio manager (Darkpaw Studios) of EQ and EQ II | Developer | General | 332 | |
JK | Just kidding | Note | General | 333 | |
Jonathan Caraker | Former developer -> Prathun | Developer | General | 334 | |
Juggs | Juggernauts ; Camp in Old Sebilis | Zone spot | TRoK | 335 | |
K | k | ok | Note | General | 336 |
KC | Karnor's Castle | Zone | TRoK | 337 | |
KEI | Koadic's Endless Intellect (ENC mana regen buff) | Spell | TSoL | 338 | |
Kevin Burns | Zone designer (world builder) of original EQ, TRoK, SoF, SoD and Underfoot. Examples: Befallen, Erudin, Freeport, Highpass Hold, Old Kaesora (A), Old Commonland. | Developer | General | 339 | |
KFC | Kentucky Fried Chicken ; Aviak tower in South Karana | Zone spot | Original | 340 | |
kk | ok, ok | Note | General | 341 | |
KoS | Kill on sight - Agressive NPC -> Con | Status | General | 342 | |
KR | Krono | Currency | General | 343 | |
KS ; KSer | Kill steal ; Kill stealer - A player who does attack an NPC that is already engaged by another player or group. | Status | General | 344 | |
KV | Ka Vethan | Zone | ToL | 345 | |
L | Lag | Computer (client), server or internet connection is acting slow. This can lead to a disconnection, freeze or crash. -> Crash ; -> Disconnect ; -> Freeze | Technical | Original | 346 |
Lamer | Slow or bad player | Status | General | 347 | |
Lammy | Lamentation | Item | TRoK | 348 | |
LB ; lb ; lbtm | Light blue con ; Light blue to me | Status | Original | 349 | |
LD | Linkdead | Status | Original | 350 | |
LD | Lower Dogs ; Camp in Velketor's Labyrinth | Zone spot | TSoV | 351 | |
LDoN | Lost Dungeons of Norrath | Expansion | LDoN | 352 | |
Leavor L`Eriat | Arterial Love - NPC in Dreadspire Keep | Anagram | DoDH | 353 | |
Lev ; Levi | Levitation | Spell | Original | 354 | |
Level | Player Character level ; NPC level | Status | Original | 355 | |
LF | Looking for | Status | General | 356 | |
LFay | Lesser Faydark | Zone | Original | 357 | |
LFG | Looking for group | Status | Original | 358 | |
LFM | Looking for more | Status | General | 359 | |
LFP | Looking for players | Status | General | 360 | |
LGuk | Lower Guk | Zone | Original | 361 | |
LMAO | Laughing my ass off | Expression | General | 362 | |
LMFAO | Laughing my fucking ass off | Expression | General | 363 | |
loc | Location | Technical | Original | 364 | |
Log | Log file | Technical | Original | 365 | |
LoH | Lay on Hands (PAL) | Ability | Original | 366 | |
LOIO | Lake of Ill Omen | Zone | TRoK | 367 | |
lol | Laughing out loud | Expression | General | 368 | |
lolz | Laughing out loud (Plural) | Expression | General | 369 | |
LoM | Low on Mana | Status | General | 370 | |
Loot ; Lewt | Accessible item(s) on the corpse of an NPC or PC after being killed. -> Drop | Reward | General | 371 | |
Lord Bob | Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar | NPC | TSoL | 372 | |
Lord Elgnub | Lord Bungle - A reference to the californian band Mr. Bungle that the developer Joseph Russo liked. Lord Elgnub does drop a doll called " Baby Joseph Sayer" which is a reference to Jo Russo. | Anagram | Original | 373 | |
LoS | Line of Sight | Technical | General | 374 | |
LoY | Legacy of Ykesha | Expansion | TLoY | 375 | |
LQ | Low quality (tradeskill pelts/furs/skins) | Status | Original | 376 | |
LR | Loot Rights | Technical | General | 377 | |
LS | Lavastorm Mountains | Zone | Original | 378 | |
Lvl ; lvl | Level - PC and NPC level | Status | General | 379 | |
Lynuga | An ugly - Troll NPC in Innothule Swamp | Anagram | Original | 380 | |
M | MA | Main Assist | Status | General | 381 |
MAG ; Mage | Magician | Class | Original | 382 | |
malo | Malosi debuff spell line (MAG SHM) | Spell | Original | 383 | |
Mana | Mental energy -> MP | Stat | Original | 384 | |
max | Maximum | Status | General | 385 | |
MB | med break | Status | General | 386 | |
MC | Mental Contortion | AA | General | 387 | |
MC | Mortal Coil (NEC spell ; Weapon proc effect) | Spell | SoD | 388 | |
MC | Main change | Technical | General | 389 | |
ME | Maiden's Eye | Zone | TSoL | 390 | |
med ; medding | meditate ; meditation - Does regenerate mana points | Status | General | 391 | |
mem | Memorize ; Memorizing a spell onto a spell gem | Technical | Original | 392 | |
Merc | Mercenary - A hireable partially player controlled NPC. | Status | SoD | 393 | |
mez; mezzing; mezzed | Spells that do get used to mesmerize/lull NPCs and PCs into sleep. Enchanters do use such spells often but also bards, druids and necromancers. | Spell | Original | 394 | |
MGB | Mass Group Buff | AA | General | 395 | |
min | Minute ; Minimum | Time | General | 396 | |
ML | Master looter - Player character that does collect and manage the NPC loot | Status | Original | 397 | |
MM ; MMC | Mistmoore ; Castle Mistmoore ; Mistmoore Castle | Zone | Original | 398 | |
MMM | Meldrath's Majestic Mansion | Zone | SoF | 399 | |
MNK | Monk | Class | Original | 400 | |
Mob | Mobile Object (Enemy) | Status | Original | 401 | |
Mod | Moderator (Chat channel, forums) | Status | Original | 402 | |
Molo ; moloing | A word combination of mercenary + solo(ing) ; A player that is using a player character together with an active mercenary. -> Solo | Status | SoD | 403 | |
Mortalis | Raid guild on the Antonius Bayle server | Guild | General | 404 | |
motd | Message of the day | Technical | TLoY ? | 405 | |
MotG | Master of the Guard | NPC | TSoV | 406 | |
Motm | Mitigation of the Mighty (NPC) | Ability | General | 407 | |
MP | Mana point(s) | Stat | Original | 408 | |
MQ | Medium quality (tradeskill pelts/furs/skins); Multiquest | Status | Original | 409 | |
MR | Magic resistance | Stat | Original | 410 | |
MR | Mana regeneration | Stat | Original | 411 | |
msg | Message (to another player) | Technical | Original | 412 | |
MT | Mistell | Note | General | 413 | |
MT | Main Tank | Status | General | 414 | |
MTP | Misty Thicket Picnic | Item | TSoL | 415 | |
N | NBG | Need Before Greed - Loot sharing | Status | General | 416 |
NEC ; Necro | Necromancer | Class | Original | 417 | |
NEK | Nektulos Forest | Zone | Original | 418 | |
Newbie ; Noob | New and unexperienced player ; Insult for a bad player | Status | Original | 419 | |
NFP | North Freeport - An old partially retired zone | Zone | Original | 420 | |
Ninja | Ninja looter ; Ninja looting - Taking items from NPC or PC corpses that other players have killed. | Status | General | 421 | |
Nitram Anizok | Martin Kozina (backwards) ; NPC in Plane of Innovation | Anagram | PoP | 422 | |
NK | North Karana | Zone | Original | 423 | |
nm | Never mind | Note | General | 424 | |
NN | Night, night ; Good night ! | Greeting | General | 425 | |
NoS | Night of Shadows | Expansion | NoS | 426 | |
Nottap Ekim | Mike Patton (backwards) ; Trackable NPC in Plane of Sky | Anagram | Original | 427 | |
np | No problem | Note | General | 428 | |
NPC | Non Player Character | Status | Original | 429 | |
NRO | North Ro | Zone | Original | 430 | |
NToV | North Temple of Veeshan | Zone | TSoV | 431 | |
Nuke ; nuking | Casting direct damage spells on a target. | Effect | Original | 432 | |
O | OC/IC | Outer Castle / Inner Castle | Zone spot | TSoV | 433 |
OGR | Ogre | Race | Original | 434 | |
OMF | Oh my fuck ! | Expression | General | 435 | |
OMFG | Oh my fucking god ! | Expression | General | 436 | |
OMG | Oh my god ; Oh my gosh ; Oh my gawd | Expression | General | 437 | |
OMM | Overlord Mata Muram | NPC | OoW | 438 | |
OMM | Old Man McKenzie | NPC | SoD | 439 | |
OMW | On My Way | Status | Original | 440 | |
OOC | Out of Character | Status | Original | 441 | |
OOG | Out(side) of Group | Status | General | 442 | |
OOM | Out of Mana | Status | Original | 443 | |
OOM | Oasis of Marr | Zone | Original | 444 | |
OOR | Out of Range | Status | General | 445 | |
OOT | Ocean of Tears | Zone | Original | 446 | |
OoW | Omens of War | Expansion | OoW | 447 | |
OPed | Overpowered | Status | General | 448 | |
Orc 1 | The first (easternmost) orc camp in East Commonlands (old partially retired zone) | Zone spot | Original | 449 | |
Orc 2 | The second eastern orc camp in East Commonlands (old partially retired zone) | Zone spot | Original | 450 | |
OS | Overseer - Mini game | Name | ToV | 451 | |
OS | Old Sebilis ; Ruins of Old Sebilis -> Seb | Zone | TRoK | 452 | |
OSS | Obtenebrate Short Sword | Item | TRoK | 453 | |
OT | Off Topic | Status | General | 454 | |
OT | Overthere | Zone | TRoK | 455 | |
OTM | On the move | Status | General | 456 | |
otw | On the way | Status | General | 457 | |
Overhaste ; v3 | Third stacking tier of the haste effect on player characters (Worn item haste = v1 ; spell buff haste = v2). Can be activated by special items and bard songs. | Effect | General | 458 | |
owned; pwned | Defeated target got completely annihilated or dominated. | Note | General | 459 | |
owner ; pwner | A player who completely annihilated or dominated a target. | Status | General | 460 | |
P | P2W | Pay to win | Status | General | 461 |
pagw | Pulling another greywalk - Joke about misstyping "page" | Note | General | 462 | |
PakCafan | Raid guild on the Drinal server ; The player character names of the guild creators: Peregryn, Aalek, Kinek, Cougar, Ashirae, Feraldenar, Ainin, Nurgar. | Guild | General | 463 | |
PAL ; Pally | Paladin | Class | Original | 464 | |
Party | Player party - A group of 2-6 player characters | Status | Original | 465 | |
Pathing | An invisible grid or gridline for NPC movement possibilities. Can be combined with movement scripts for roamers. -> Roamer | Technical | Original | 466 | |
paw | Lair of the Splitpaw | Zone | Original | 467 | |
PBAE ; PBAoE | Point blank area of effect - Spell site of action | Effect | General | 468 | |
PC | Price check | Request | General | 469 | |
PC | Player Character | Status | Original | 470 | |
PC | Paludal Caverns | Zone | TSoL | 471 | |
Pet | Usually a summoned NPC that is being controlled by a player character or NPC. A charmed player character or NPC can also temporary become a pet. | Status | Original | 472 | |
PGT | Polished Granite Tomahawk | Item | Original | 473 | |
PH | Place holder | Technical | Original | 474 | |
PITA | Pain in the ass | Expression | General | 475 | |
PK ; PKer | Player kill ; Player killer (PVP servers mostly) | Status | General | 476 | |
PL | Powerleveling | Technical | Original | 477 | |
pls ; plz | Please | Request | General | 478 | |
PoA | Plane of Air | Zone | PoP | 479 | |
PoD | Plane of Disease | Zone | PoP | 480 | |
PoE | Plane of Earth | Zone | PoP | 481 | |
PoF | Plane of Fire | Zone | PoP | 482 | |
PoFear | Plane of Fear | Zone | Original | 483 | |
PoG | Plane of Growth | Zone | TSoV | 484 | |
PoH | Plane of Hate | Zone | Original | 485 | |
PoH | Plane of Health | Zone | TTBM | 486 | |
PoHate | Plane of Hate | Zone | Original | 487 | |
PoI | Plane of Innovation | Zone | PoP | 488 | |
PoJ | Plane of Justice | Zone | PoP | 489 | |
PoK | Plane of Knowledge | Zone | PoP | 490 | |
PoM | Plane of Mischief | Zone | TSoV | 491 | |
PoN | Plane of Nightmare | Zone | PoP | 492 | |
PoP | Planes of Power | Zone | PoP | 493 | |
port ; porting | Teleportation spells of the DRU and WIZ that do lead to zones. | Spell | Original | 494 | |
PoR | Prophecy of Ro | Expansion | PoR | 495 | |
PoS | Plane of Storms | Zone | PoP | 496 | |
PoSky | Plane of Sky | Zone | Original | 497 | |
PoT | Plane of Time | Zone | PoP | 498 | |
PoT | Plane of Tranquility | Zone | PoP | 499 | |
PoTC | Protection of the Cabbage (Quest that does award a DRU spell) | Spell | TSoL | 500 | |
PoTo | Plane of Torment | Zone | PoP | 501 | |
PotSW | Protection of the Spirit Wolf | AA | General | 502 | |
PoV | Plane of Valor | Zone | PoP | 503 | |
Povar | Vapor | Anagram | Original | 504 | |
PoW | Plane of War | Zone | CotF | 505 | |
PoWa | Plane of Water | Zone | PoP | 506 | |
PoWar | Plane of War | Zone | CotF | 507 | |
PP | Pickpocket (ROG) | Ability | Original | 508 | |
PP | Platinum piece(s) | Currency | Original | 509 | |
PR | Poison resistance | Stat | Original | 510 | |
Prathun | The avatar, NPC and forum name of a developer. -> Jonathan Caraker | Developer | General | 511 | |
prob ; prolly | Probably | Note | General | 512 | |
proc | Proceed - Weapon effect | Effect | General | 513 | |
Prog | Progression - A special server -> TLP ; Expansion progression | Technical | General | 514 | |
PST | Please send tell | Request | General | 515 | |
PUG | Pickup group | Technical | General | 516 | |
pull ; pulling ; puller | Leading an attacking NPC to the player character or its party. | Technical | Original | 517 | |
push | Nudging a mob by spells, abilities or melee attacks away from the player(s) | Technical | Original | 518 | |
PvE | Player versus environment | Status | General | 519 | |
PvP | Player versus player | Status | General | 520 | |
Q | QAT | Qeynos Afternoon Tea | Item | LDoN | 521 |
Qeynos | Sony EQ (backwards) | Anagram | Original | 522 | |
QoL | Quality of Life - Features that do make the gaming experience more comfortable and enjoyable. Examples: Ingame map, travel hubs, task window, aggro window, search functions. | Technical | General | 523 | |
QP | Quiet Prayer | AA | General | 524 | |
QT | Quick Time | AA | General | 525 | |
Quest | A mission or task that does start at an NPC. -> NPC | Technical | Original | 526 | |
R | R1 ; R2 ; R3 | Rank I, Rank II, Rank III - Spell ranks | Status | General | 527 |
RA | Raid attendance | Status | General | 528 | |
Rathe | Earth | Anagram | Original | 529 | |
RBB | Runed Bolster Belt | Item | Original | 530 | |
RBF | Runed Bone Fork | Item | Original | 531 | |
RC | Radiant Cure | AA | General | 532 | |
Rdy | Ready | Status | General | 533 | |
Re | Returning ; Hi again ; I am back | Greeting | General | 534 | |
red ; rtm | Red con ; Red to me | Status | Original | 535 | |
Rednose | Klandicar | NPC | TSoV | 536 | |
regen | Regeneration (Effect, buff) | Effect | General | 537 | |
res ; rez | Ressurection | Spell | Original | 538 | |
RF | Ruaabri's Fury (BST) | Discipline | RoF | 539 | |
RF | Raging Fury - Raid guild on the Antonius Bayle server | Guild | General | 540 | |
Ri | Raid invite | Technical | General | 541 | |
Rick Schmitz | Art designer of
original EQ until The Shadows of Luclin. He did also draw a few maps for some later expansions. |
Developer | General | 542 | |
RL | Raid leader | Status | General | 543 | |
RL | Real life | Status | General | 544 | |
RM | Rathe Mountains | Zone | Original | 545 | |
RMB | Runed Mithril Bracer | Item | Original | 546 | |
RNG | Random Number Generator | Technical | General | 547 | |
RNG ; Ranja | Ranger | Class | Original | 548 | |
Roamer | An NPC that is patrolling an area on a firm path. -> Pathing | Status | Original | 549 | |
Rodcet Nife | Rodent feci (I made rodents) | Anagram | Original | 550 | |
RoF | Rain of Fear | Expansion | RoF | 551 | |
ROFL | Rolling on the floor laughing | Expression | General | 552 | |
ROFLMAO | Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off | Expression | General | 553 | |
ROG ; Rouge | Rogue | Class | Original | 554 | |
roll | Rolling a virtual dice with /random # (Used for loot share and other stuff) | Technical | General | 555 | |
root ; rooted | A spell and spell effect that does prohibit the movement of an NPC or PC by rooting them onto the ground. | Effect | Original | 556 | |
RoS | Ring of Scale | Expansion | RoS | 557 | |
Rosie Rappaport | Art designer of
original EQ. The person had been renamed to Rosie Cosgrove Strzalkowski. |
Developer | Original | 558 | |
RP; Roleplay | Roleplay ; Partially anonymous PC status - Player character level, class and location are hidden. | Status | Original | 559 | |
Runner | An NPC that does flee when being at low health. | Status | General | 560 | |
RZ | Rallos Zek | NPC | PoP | 561 | |
S | SBS | Sarnak Battle Shield | Item | TRoK | 562 |
Scott McDaniel | Zone designer (world builder) of original EQ until The Shadows of Luclin. He created all 74 outdoor zones and objects through TRoK. After that he was Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations until LDoN. He left during Gates of Discord. -> Seru | Developer | General | 563 | |
SD | Scarlet Desert | Zone | TSoL | 564 | |
SDG ; DSDG | Strom der Gezeiten / Der Strom der Gezeiten - Guild on the Drinal / Antonius Bayle server | Guild | General | 565 | |
Seb | Sebilis; Ruins of Old Sebilis -> OS | Zone | TRoK | 566 | |
sec | Second | Time | General | 567 | |
Sentry Drahs | Sentry Shard | Anagram | TSoV | 568 | |
Sentry Dumtew | Sentry Wet Mud | Anagram | TSoV | 569 | |
Sentry Emil | Sentry Lime | Anagram | TSoV | 570 | |
Sentry Enots | Sentry Stone | Anagram | TSoV | 571 | |
Sentry Kcor | Sentry Rock | Anagram | TSoV | 572 | |
Sentry Maof | Sentry Foam | Anagram | TSoV | 573 | |
Sentry Rotiart | Sentry Traitor | Anagram | TSoV | 574 | |
Sentry Trid | Sentry Dirt | Anagram | TSoV | 575 | |
Seru | The avatar and nickname of a developer. The name got embedded into various content of the The Shadows of Luclin expansion including the NPC Lord Inquisitor Seru. -> Scott McDaniel | Developer | General | 576 | |
sexcave | Sage, Executioner, Cavalier in LGuk | Zone spot | Original | 577 | |
SFM | Skyfire Mountains | Zone | TRoK | 578 | |
SG | Siren's Grotto | Zone | TSoV | 579 | |
SHD ; SK | Shadow Knight | Class | Original | 580 | |
SHM ; Shamy | Shaman | Class | Original | 581 | |
SISA | Sony Interactive Studios America - First development studio name. Founded in august 1995. | Name | Original | 582 | |
SK | South Karana | Zone | Original | 583 | |
SL | Shard's Landing | Zone | RoF | 584 | |
Slacker | Lazy or sleeper player | Status | General | 585 | |
Smed; Smedley | John Smedley - One of the founders and early manager of EQ | Developer | General | 586 | |
snare ; snared | A spell and spell effect that does reduce the movement rate of an NPC or PC. | Effect | Original | 587 | |
SoD | Seeds of Destruction | Expansion | SoD | 588 | |
SoD | Shadows of Doom - Raid guild on the Antonius Bayle server | Guild | General | 589 | |
SoD | Sceptre of Destruction | Item | TSoV | 590 | |
SOE | Sony Online Entertainment (Company) | Name | Original | 591 | |
SoE | Spirit of Eagle | Spell | TSoL | 592 | |
SoF | Secrets of Faydwer | Expansion | SoF | 593 | |
Sol A ; SolA | Solusek A ; Solusek's Eye | Zone | Original | 594 | |
Sol B ; SolB | Solusek B ; Nagafen's Lair | Zone | Original | 595 | |
Sol C ; SolC | Solusek C ; Caverns of Exile | Zone | TLoY | 596 | |
Solo ; soloing | A player who does use one player character (without a mercenary). -> Molo | Status | Original | 597 | |
Solt | Solteris | Zone | TBS | 598 | |
SONH | Swamp of No Hope | Zone | TRoK | 599 | |
Sont | Sontalak (TSoV, CoV) | NPC | TSoV | 600 | |
SORZ | Statue of Rallos Zek | NPC | TSoV | 601 | |
SoS | Shroud of Stealth (ROG) | Ability | TSoL | 602 | |
SoS ; SotS | Speed of the Shissar (ENC haste buff) ; Spirit of Scale (DRU & SHM movement speed buff) | Spell | TRoK | 603 | |
SoW | Spirit of Wolf - BST DRU RNG SHM movement speed buff. | Spell | Original | 604 | |
SP | Silver piece(s) | Currency | Original | 605 | |
SPA | SPell Affect - Specific set of values for each spell which controls what they do. | Technical | General | 606 | |
Spice | Auspice of the Hunter (RNG) | AA | General | 607 | |
SRO | South Ro | Zone | Original | 608 | |
sry | Sorry | Note | General | 609 | |
SS | Sanctum Somnium | Zone | HoT | 610 | |
SS | Skyshrine | Zone | TSoV | 611 | |
SSOY ; Yak | Short Sword of the Ykesha | Item | Original | 612 | |
Ssra ; SSRA | Ssraeshza Temple | Zone | TSoL | 613 | |
ST | Sleeper's Tomb | Zone | TSoV | 614 | |
Stack | A bundle of 20-1000 stackable items. Does occupy one inventory or bag slot. | Status | Original | 615 | |
Stat(s) | Statistical power values for PCs and NPCs. | Status | General | 616 | |
Steve Clover | One of the founders of EQ. | Developer | General | 617 | |
STFU | Shut the fuck up ; Shut trap fuck you | Expression | General | 618 | |
STR | Strenght | Stat | Original | 619 | |
Succor | Druid teleport spell (Often called "evac") -> Evac | Spell | TRoK | 620 | |
sup | What's up ?! ; Greetings ! | Greeting | General | 621 | |
sv | save versus (Resistance stats boni) | Stat | Original | 622 | |
SV | Shadow Valley | Zone | ToV | 623 | |
T | T1 ; T2 ; T3 | Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 - Used for item power tiers and zone difficulties. | Status | General | 624 |
TA | Task add - Player characters can be added to an ongoing task (e.g. Heroic Adventure) by /taskaddplayer [character name]. | Technical | General | 625 | |
TA | Taskadd | 626 | |||
Tactics | Plane of Tactics | Zone | PoP | 627 | |
Tae Ew Alliz | Zilla we eat (backwards) | Anagram | Original | 628 | |
tag | Tagging a mob | Technical | General | 629 | |
Tank | A defensive melee class that is wearing plate armor ; Group or pet role | Status | General | 630 | |
Tarew (Marr) | Water | Anagram | Original | 631 | |
Taromani | Inamorat(a) (backwards) - NPC in Riftseeker's Sanctum | Anagram | OoW | 632 | |
tash | Tashan debuff spell line (ENC) | Spell | Original | 633 | |
Tavid Dennant | David Tennant (RL actor) - NPC in Guild Lobby | Anagram | DoN | 634 | |
Taxi | Druid and wizard teleport travel service | Status | General | 635 | |
TB | Tranquil Blessings (ENC mass grouo buff) | AA | General | 636 | |
TBL | The Burning Lands | Expansion | TBL | 637 | |
TBM | The Broken Mirror | Expansion | TBM | 638 | |
TBS | The Buried Sea | Expansion | TBS | 639 | |
TDS | The Darkened Sea | Expansion | TDS | 640 | |
Tekrama | A market (backwards) - NPC in The Bazaar (Merchant Tekrama) | Anagram | TSoL | 641 | |
tell | Message (to another player) | Technical | Original | 642 | |
Texas | Txevu | Zone | GoD | 643 | |
thx | Thanks ; thank you | Note | General | 644 | |
Tick | Six seconds - Time duration value for spell effects and respawn timers. | Time | Original | 645 | |
TL | Translocate | Effect | General | 646 | |
TLP | Time locked progression - Special servers | Technical | General | 647 | |
TOFS | Tower of Frozen Shadow | Zone | TSoV | 648 | |
ToL | Terror of Luclin | Expansion | ToL | 649 | |
Tolapumpj | Jump alot | Anagram | TRoK | 650 | |
Tom Tobey | 3D animation artist. Well known for the guktan froglok 3D model and ducks | Developer | General | 651 | |
ToR | Tower of Rot | Zone | CotF | 652 | |
ToS | Tower of Solusek Ro; Solusek Ro's Tower (correct zone name) | Zone | PoP | 653 | |
ToV | Torment of Velious | Expansion | ToV | 654 | |
ToV | Temple of Veeshan | Zone | TRoK | 655 | |
TOX | Toxxulia Forest | Zone | Original | 656 | |
TP | Teleport | Effect | General | 657 | |
Train | A chain of NPCs that are chasing a player character or are returning to their spawn points. | Technical | Original | 658 | |
TRL | Troll | Race | Original | 659 | |
TRoK ; RoK | The Ruins of Kunark | Expansion | TRoK | 660 | |
Trorsmang | Armstrong - Several weapons from Veeshan's Peak do inlcude this word ; A reference to Neil Armstrong. -> Drinal | Anagram | TRoK | 661 | |
True box | A Time Locked Progression server ruleset that does not allow to play with multiple accounts (boxing) on the same server. -> Boxer | 662 | |||
TS | Tradeskill | Technical | Original | 663 | |
TSoL ; SoL | The Shadows of Luclin | Expansion | TSoL | 664 | |
TSoV ; SoV | The Scars of Velious | Expansion | TSoV | 665 | |
TSS | The Serpents Spine | Expansion | TSS | 666 | |
TT | Trakanon's Teeth | Zone | TRoK | 667 | |
Tunare | Nature | Anagram | Original | 668 | |
Twink | Overpowered well geared (low level) player character. | Status | General | 669 | |
TY | Thank you | Note | General | 670 | |
TZ | Tallon Zek | NPC | PoP | 671 | |
U | uber | Very powerfull - Reference to the german word "über" | Status | General | 672 |
UD | Upper Dogs ; Camp in Velketor's Labyrinth | Zone spot | TSoV | 673 | |
UF | Underfoot | Expansion | UF | 674 | |
Uf | Upper floors | Zone spot | HoT | 675 | |
UGuk | Upper Guk | Zone | Original | 676 | |
UI | User Interface | Technical | Original | 677 | |
UP | Umbral Plains | Zone | TSoL | 678 | |
UPed | Underpowered | Status | General | 679 | |
UR | Unrest ; Estate of Unrest | Zone | Original | 680 | |
V | Veeshan | Heavens | Anagram | Original | 681 |
Verant | Verant
Interactive - Third development studio name. Successor of 989 Studios. |
Name | Original | 682 | |
Vindi | Derekor the Vindicator | NPC | TSoV | 683 | |
VoA | Veil of Alaris | Expansion | VoA | 684 | |
Vol Ew Alliz | Zilla we lov (backwards) | Anagram | Original | 685 | |
VP | Veeshan's Peak | Zone | TRoK | 686 | |
VT | Vex Thal | Zone | TSoL | 687 | |
Vu Nguyen | Zone designer
(world builder) of original EQ until Planes of Power. Examples: Estate of Unrest, Felwithe, Kaladim, Old Sebilis, Kael Drakkel, Temple of Veeshan, Shar Vahl, Plane of Knowledge. |
Developer | General | 688 | |
W | VZ | Vallon Zek | NPC | PoP | 689 |
WAR | Warrior | Class | Original | 690 | |
wb | Welcome back | Greeting | General | 691 | |
WC | West Commonlands - An old partially retired zone | Zone | Original | 692 | |
WFP | West Freeport | Zone | Original | 693 | |
WIS | Wisdom | Stat | Original | 694 | |
WIZ | Wizard | Class | Original | 695 | |
WK | West Karana | Zone | Original | 696 | |
WL | Wakening Land | Zone | TSoV | 697 | |
WMP | When mana permits | Status | General | 698 | |
WoS | Wall of Slaughter | Zone | OoW | 699 | |
WRU | Where are you ? | Request | General | 700 | |
WS | Weapon Shield Discipline (RNG) | Discipline | TSoV | 701 | |
wt | Wrong tell | Note | General | 702 | |
WT | Weight (inventory, items) | Stat | Original | 703 | |
WTB | Want to buy | Status | General | 704 | |
WTF | What the fuck | Expression | General | 705 | |
WTG | Way to go ! ; Well done ! | Expression | General | 706 | |
WTH | What the hell | Expression | General | 707 | |
WTS | Want to sell | Status | General | 708 | |
WTT | Want to trade | Status | General | 709 | |
WTTF | Want to trade for | Status | General | 710 | |
WW | Warsliks Woods | Zone | TRoK | 711 | |
WW | Western Wastes | Zone | TSoV | 712 | |
X | X-axis | The horizontal (west <-> east) position of an object inside a 3D room (zone). | Technical | General | 713 |
Xegony | Oxygen | Anagram | Original | 714 | |
XP | Experience (Modern term) -> exp | Reward | General | 715 | |
Y | y | Why ? | Note | General | 716 |
Y-axis | The horizontal (north <-> south) position of an object inside a 3D room (zone). | Technical | General | 717 | |
yellow ; ytm | Yellow con ; Yellow to me | Status | Original | 718 | |
yw | Your welcome ! | Note | General | 719 | |
Z | ZAM | Allakhazam.com - Formerly known as Allakhazam's Magic Realm | Website | Original | 720 |
Z-axis | The vertical position of an object inside a 3D room (zone). | Technical | General | 721 | |
ZING | Extinguish fatigue - Asking the group for a stamina / endurance regen buff | Request | General | 722 | |
ZL | Zone Line | Technical | Original | 723 |