EverQuest designed by Brad McQuaid, Steve Clover, Bill Trost, and the EverQuest Team

Brad McQuaid & Andrew Sites

Assistant Producer
Mike Hutchins

Lead Programmer
Roger Uzun

Steve Clover

Additional Programmers
John Buckley, Milo D. Cooper, Eric Hagstrom, Vince Harron, Jacob Hawley (Creative Labs), Graeme Ing and Kevin McPherson

Lead Artist
Scott McDaniel

Kevin Burns, Milo D. Cooper, Rick Johnson, Brandon McDonald, Rick Schmitz and Bill Trost

Additional Artists
Rosie Cosgrove, Keith Parkinson, Rich Sjoberg

Lead Game Designer/World Builder
Bill Trost

Game Designers/World Builders
Kevin Burns, Bill Coyle, Sabrina Fox, Tony Garcia, David Gilbertson, Travis Mason, Vu Nguyen, Ryan Palacio, Matt Yaney and Geoff Zatkin

Additional World Builders
Doug Johnson

Map Insert & Manual Graphic Art
Rick Schmitz

Producer, EverQuest Live & Operations
Jeff Butler

EverQuest Live Team
Jason Polk, Joe Russo, Todd Schmidt, and Thomas Wells

EverQuest Operations Team
Tyler Sargent & Robert Hanz

Testing Manager & Lead Tester
Robert Hill

Jose Araiza, Jason Biltz & Ester Sauter

Technical Coordinator
Jeff Bolaris

Systems and Network Administration
John Rad & Derrell Jenkins

Internet Relations Manager
Gordon Wrinn

Web Site Design and Development
Russell Shanks, Rich Sjoberg, Chris Trichel, and Laurie Fuller

Customer Service Manager
Thom Terrazas

Assistant Customer Service Manager
Charles Flock

Lead Game Masters
Marlon Barroquillo, Michelle Butler, Lynn Carrick, Mark Halash, Dave Jedd, Dave Nevala, Lydia Pope

Game Masters
Alan Crosby, Jeremy Ellis, Daniel Enright, Corey Estoll, Steve Fraden, Amanda Flock, Chad Folz, Steve Fuller, Gary Grobson, Chad Haza, Rod Haza, Javier Jimenez, Thomas Lockard, Gary Mathews, Robert Matzker, Kelsey McNair, Jason Montes, Karen Morrow, Bob Painter, Lawrence Poe, Dave Prestin, Robyn Rogers, Gary Sargent, Ester Sauter, Jake Smith, Jacob Thornley, Angelique Wagner, and Eugene Wells

Tech Support
Robert Bautista, Luke Brody, Will Figgins, Monte Greene, Patrick Murphy, Chris Richard, Chris Trichel

President & CEO
John Smedley

Executive Vice President
Brad McQuaid

Chief Technology Officer
Russell Shanks

Director of Sales & Channel Marketing
Don Vercelli

Cris Calsada

The EverQuest team would like to thank (in no particular order):
Clint Worley, Kevin McCann, Brian Hook, Kevin Baca, Mark Botta, Shon Damron, Hunter Luisi, Marsha Gygax, Cris Calsada, Kelly Flock, Derek Quackenbush, Robert Clark, Karla Schwarze, Tracy Schuhwerk, Kurtis Buckmaster, Josh Olson, Mike Schriber, Corporate Computer Center, David Reitman, Alan VanCouvering, Richard Garriot, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Robert Jordan, Roger Zelazny, David Eddings, Terry Goodkind, Ursula LeGuin, Jim Lee, SMP, M:TG, AD&D, Ultima Online, Meridian 59, Asheron's Call, all the great MUDs out there, the EverQuest Guides, the EverQuest guilds, the EverQuest fan sites (that don't post spoilers), the EverQuest beta testers, and of course all the EverQuest fans out there for the unwavering support that began over a year before release and continues onward, and the countless others whom we've unintentionally forgotten yet have contributed nonetheless.


Billing System Programming
David Dhunjishaw & John Wang

Manager of Billing & Pricing
Faraz Angha

Network Operations
Mark Preston
Dani Roisman

Database Administrator
Mike Thompson

Customer Service Manager
George Scotto

Lisa Simpson

Executive Vice President of Product Development
Robert Gehorsam

Senior Vice President of Technology
Mark Kortekaas

Vice President of Technical Operations
Lisa Brown

Director of Technical Operations
Adam Joffe

Vice President of Marketing and Ad Sales
Chris Tice