EverQuest designed by Brad McQuaid, Steve Clover, Bill Trost and the EverQuest Team

Brad McQuaid

Assistant Producers
Brian Canary, Mike Hutchins, Andrew Sites, and Matt Yaney

Lead Programmer
Steve Clover

Kevin McPherson, and Roger Uzun

Graphics Programmer
John Buckley

Network Programmer
Vince Harron

Additional Programmers
Kevin Baca, Shawn Baird, Brandon Bogle, Milo D. Cooper, Howard Dortch, Eric Hagstrom, Graeme Ing, Daniel Kim, Brad McQuaid, Ryan Palacio and David Taylor

Lead Artist
Rosie Cosgrove

Kevin Burns, Milo D. Cooper, Doug Johnson, Rick Johnson, Scott McDaniel, Brandon McDonald, Rick Schmitz and Bill Trost

Additional Artists
Mac McGibbon, Keith Parkinson, Rich Sjoberg, Dok Whitson

Lead World Builder/Designer
Bill Trost

World Builders
Kevin Burns, Mike Hutchins, Sabrina Fox, Tony Garcia, Vu Nguyen, Ryan Palacio, Matt Yaney, and Geoff Zatkin

Additional World Builders
Jim Moore, David Yee

President (Verant)
John Smedley

Vice President (Verant)
Brad McQuaid

Chief Technology Officer (Verant)
Russell Shanks

Director of Multimedia (Verant)
Joe Hight

Sound Programming
Jay Barbeau, Starr Moore

Jay Barbeau

Brad Aldridge and Joe Hight

Multimedia Department
Rex Baca, Chuck Carr, Dwayne Mason, Scott McMahon and Dominic Perricone

President (989 Studios)
Kelly Flock

V.P. Marketing
Jeffery Fox

PC Sales/Marketing Manager
Don Vercelli

Director of Creative Services
Howard Liebeskind

Creative Services
Vyn Arnold

Director of P.R. & Promotions
Helene Sheeler

P.R. & Promotions
Shon Damron, Marcelyn Ditter, Kim Bardakian, Christa Wittenberg, Chris Sturr, Stephanie Nevins

Director of Finance
Derek Quackenbush

Director of Legal and Business Affairs
David Greenspan

Mimi Nguyen, Leslie Chen

EverQuest Box and Poster Art
Keith Parkinson

Manual Producers
Chris Kramer, Dave Silviera

Manual Graphic Designer
Dave Silviera

Map Insert & Manual Graphic Art
Rick Schmitz

Testing Manager
Charles Flock

Senior Lead Tester
Victor Ramirez

Lead Tester
Rob Hill

Justin Anella, Jose Araiza, Jason Biltz, Richard Brewer, Jeremy Ellis, Robert Helsel, Scott Hill, Matt Jenkins, Asher Luisi, Ritchard Markelz, Mike Moore, James Morrison, Ray Schleicher, Matthew Steiger, Zach Ward

Network Administrator
John "Spyke" Alexander

Technical Coordinator
Jeff Bolaris

EverQuest Head Game Master
Jeff Butler

EverQuest Game Masters
Marlon Barroquillo, Robert Bautista, Michelle Bayless, Steve Belyea, Bill Coyle, Jeremy Ellis, Monte Green, Bill Gutter, Scott Hill, Matt Jenkins, Kurt Macholeth, Kelsey McNair, Dave Rickey, Joe Russo, Thom Terrazas, Torrie Warren, Thomas Wells, Nathan Wilson

Intro FMV Graphics
Vision Scape Imaging

Intro FMV Music
Title sequence composed and produced by Tim Labor
Conducted by Harvey Sollberger
Performed by the La Jolla Symphony Orchestra
Recorded at Warren Studios, UCSD
Recording engineered by Josef Kucera

The EverQuest team would like to thank (in no particular order):
Hunter Luisi, Seth Luisi, Clint Worley, Kevin McCann, Danny Han, Marsha Gygax, Robert Clark, Rick Rossiter, Andrew Lee, Paul Willman, Gabe Liberty, Wilson Lee, Jim Dobson, Adam McMahon, Kevin Lydy, Rich Sjoberg, Chris 'Ozymandius' Pinckard, Pam Pinckard, Gordon Wrinn, Karla Schwarze, Dach Chaney, Amanda Flock, Kurtis Buckmaster, Josh Olson, Brian Weikert, Kris and Susan Jones, Alan VanCouvering, Tyler Sargent, Brandon Justice, Tanok the Troll, B.J. Derose, Leo Leontiades, Tawn Kramer, Richard Garriot, Rich Vogel, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Robert Jordan, Roger Zelazny, David Eddings, Terry Goodkind, M:TG, AD&D, all the great MUDs out there, (especially Sojourn), 3DFX, EQVault, EQ Express and all the other EQ fan sites, #everquest people, the EverQuest Guides, the EverQuest guilds, the EverQuest beta testers and of course all the EverQuest fans out there for the unwavering support that began over a year before release and continues onward, and the countless others whom we've unintentionally forgotten yet have contributed nonetheless.