EverQuest Slash Commands  
  All slash commands can be used as shortcuts. Similar commands do get picked in a logical alphanumeric order. So when you type /ca your character will cackle gleefully but when you type /cam or /camp your character will camp out. Instead of /bazaar you can just type /baz and so on.  
  %M - Returns the target's pet (Name).    
  %O - Returns the objective gender-specific pronoun for the target (Him, Her, It).  
  %P - Returns the possessive gender-specific pronoun for the target (His, Her, Its).  
  %R - Returns the race of the target (only works on player characters).  
  %S - Returns the subjective gender-specific pronoun for the target (He, She, It).  
  %T - Returns the target (Name).    
A /achievements Opens the achievements window. 1
  /aclearcompare Clears the player character who you are currently comparing achievements with. See /compare. 2
  /addraidlooter [character name / target] Adds the current target or the specified player character to the list of valid looters in the raid. 3
  /adriver DEACTIVATED ! Did write sound card informations to the file "adriver.txt". 4
  /adventure DEACTIVATED ! 5
  /advloot Opens the Advanced Loot Window 6
  /advloot [options] Shows the parameter options for the /advloot command. 7
  /advloot [personal setallto] [loot OR lootall / leave OR leaveall / aneed OR alwaysneed / agreed OR alwaysgreed / never] Configures the personal "Advanced Loot Window" loot division settings (Single player) 8
  /advloot [shared setallto] [need / greed / no / aneed OR alwaysneed / agreed OR alwaysgreed / never / ask / roll / aroll OR askroll / aaskroll OR autoaskroll / freegrab OR enablefreegrab / leave OR leaveoncorpse / character name] Configures the shared "Advanced Loot Window" loot division settings (Player group) 9
  /afk [on / off / <message>] Toggles the AFK tag. "/afk making coffee" lets other players know that you are Away From Keyboard for making coffee when they would send you a tell. 10
  /afp DEACTIVATED ! 11
  /aggrolock Locks the current aggro target in the aggro window. 12
  /aggrometer Toggles the aggro window. 13
  /alarm Opens the alarm window where a timer can be set. Usefull for camping mobs and making coffee. 14
  /alternateadv [# 1-100] DEACTIVATED ! Was used to set the amount of experience in percent that is going to Alternate Advancement experience. This also can be set in the AA window. 15
  /alternateadv [on / off / list] Toggles AA XP or lists all AAs available to the character. 16
  /alternateadv activate [# ability activation ID] Activates an Alternate Advancement ability. "/alt act 679" would cast Bind Affinity. 17
  /alternateadv buy [# ability activation ID] Buys an Alternate Advancement ability. This can be usefull in combination with expendable glyps and macro hotbuttons. 18
  /alternateadv buyall Buys all Alternate Advancement abilities that are available. 19
  /announce Toggles the written chat announcements on/off when player characters join and leave chat channels. 20
  /anonymous [on / off] Toggles the ability for others to see the PC race, class, location and guild tag. Puts the anon name tag up and down. It does not supress the command /guildstatus ! 21
  /apvoptimizations DEACTIVATED ! Was a graphic performance tool. Auto Portal Volume Optimization has been implemented in the vicinity of objects which contain large numbers of inner objects. In some cases the developers have tested the optimization and have seen a 15 percent gain in frame rate. 22
  /assist [on / off] Toggles auto attack when using /assist. 23
  /assist group This will assist the player who is assigned as Group MA (Main Assist) by using the Group Leader Leadership AA (DMA). 24
  /assist main This ill assist the nearest player who is assigned as MA (Main Assist) in a group or raid. 25
  /assist or /assist [name] Targets the target of the PC/NPC. 26
  /assist raid This will assist the player who is assigned as raid MA (Main Assist) by using the raid leader leadership AA (DMA). 27
  /attack [on / off] Toggles the autmatic use of equipped melee weapons. 28
  /auction [message]  Sends a message to the zone wide auction chat channel. As example: "/auc WTS Fungi Tunic". WTS = Want to sell, WTB = Want to buy. 29
  /autobank Puts items that are on the cursor into free bank slots. Can be embedded into hotbuttons. 30
  /autoconsent [group / guild / raid / fellowship] Without a parameter it shows the permission settings. With a parameter it grants or deny permission to specific players circles to drag around current and future corpses.
See also /consent and /deny.
  /autofire [on / off]  Toggles the automatic use of an equipped ranged weapon. 32
  /autoinventory   Places the item on your cursor into the first slot available in your inventory. 33
  /autojoin [channel name],[channel name:password] Sets the chat channels that the character will join automatically after entering the game world. Multiple channels can be defined by placing a comma between the channel names. An optional password can be added to a private channel. This information is saved in the eqclient.ini file in the [Defaults] section as "ChannelAutoJoin=". 34
  /autojoin add [channel name:password] Adds a chat channel to the autojoin list. If the channel requires a password it has to be placed behind the channel name separated by a ":". 35
  /autojoin remove [channel name] Removes a chat channel from the autojoin list. 36
  /autoskill [skill name] [on / off] Toggles the automatic use of combat skills like kick and backstab. Can be turned off by typing the command with the skill name again. A minimum level is no longer needed. 37
  /autosplit [on / off] Toggles automatic coin sharing. 38
B /bandolier [add / delete / activate] [set name] Offers the same functions as the bandolier window (Shift-B) but can be used for hotbuttons. A bandolier is a set of gear which consists of the Primary, Secondary, Range and Ammo inventory slots. 39
  /barter Opens the barter window. Here you will find buy offers for items from other players. 40
  /bazaar Opens the bazaar window. 41
  /beta Copies a character to the Beta server of a new expansion.
Only available a few weeks before the expansion launch.
  /betabuff Beta server only. If you are on a beta server, levels your character and gives you a set of items. 43
  /blockspell [display / add / remove / clear] [me / pet] [spellnumbers] Blocks specific spells for a target. <action> <target> <spellnumber> 44
  /bodytint Opens the amor dye window. 45
  /book or /book [#page] Opens the spell book. Opens a selected page when adding the optional page number. 46
  /booklearn  [# item ID] DEACTIVATED ! Got used as an alternative method to scribe spells. 47
  /bookunlearn  [# item ID] DEACTIVATED ! Got used as an alternative method to unscribe spells. 48
  /buff Test server only: Raises the player character to level 25 including a set of items. 49
  /bugreport Opens the bug report window which can be used to report bugs to the developers. 50
  /buyer Only works in the bazaar zone. Sets up a barter trader to buy items automatically. 51
C /calendar Opens the calendar window which shows informations about events. 52
  /camp [desktop / fast / server] Exits the world/game and saves the current character data state. 53
  /cast [# 1-99] Activates spells and songs that are memorized on the spell bar. Bards can also use /melody to loop songs. 54
  /changefamiliarname Opens the "Change Familiar Name" window where a new familiar name can be entered. Requires a "Potion of Familiar's Amnesia" (250 DB) from the marketplace in the inventory. 55
  /changemercname Opens the "Change Mercenary Name" window where a new mercenary name can be entered. Requires a "Potion of Mercenary Amnesia" (500 DB) from the marketplace in the inventory. 56
  /changename Opens the "Change Name" window where a new character name can be entered. Requires a "Potion of Amnesia" (1500 DB) from the marketplace in the inventory. 57
  /changepetname Opens the "Change Pet Name" window where a new pet name can be entered. Requires a "Potion of Companion's Amnesia" (250 DB) from the marketplace in the inventory. 58
  /channel [gsay / guildsay / tell / /auction / ooc / chat <name>] Sets the default chat channel. 59
  /charinfo Shows the bind and origin locations of the character. Added in 2001-04-17. 60
  /chat [#channel OR /#channel] [message] Sends a message to a specified channel (# = channel number). 61
  /chat grant [character name] [channel name] Grants another player character moderator privileges in a chat channel. If no channel is specified the character will be given moderator privileges to your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1). 62
  /chat invite [character name] [channel name] Invites another player character to join a chat channel. If no channel is specified the character will be invited to join your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1). The invitation arrives as a text message and the invited character joins automatically. If the channel is password protected, the invited character can enter the channel only once without a password. 63
  /chat kick [character name] [channel name] Removes a player character from a chat channel. If no channel is specified the character will be removed from your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1). 64
  /chat moderate [channel name] Toggles a chat channel into moderated/unmoderated mode. While being in the moderated mode only those given 'voice' in the channel will be able to write in that channel. If no channel is specified your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1) will be set into moderated mode. 65
  /chat password [password] [channel name] Adds a password to a chat channel. If no channel is specified the password will be applied to your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1). Note: A password protected channel is the only type of channel that is semi-permanent. Such a channel will disappear after it has been empty for 24 hours. All other channels cease to exist once they are empty. 66
  /chat set [channel name],[channel name] Makes you a member of all of the channels listed. You will be joined to those channels in the order listed. This will remove you from all previously joined channels. If you just want to join a new channel, use the /join command. 67
  /chat voice [character name] [channel name] Grants a player character the ability to write in a moderated channel. If no channel is specified the character will be allowed voice in your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1). 68
  /chatfontsize [# 0-5] Changes the font size of a chat window. First highlight the window where you wish to change the font size in. 69
  /claim Allows the player to claim in-game prizes for various reasons. Some prizes can only be claimed once so choose wisely ! 70
  /clearallchat Clears the scrollback buffer of  all chat windows. 71
  /clearchat Clears the scrollback buffer of the selected chat window. 72
  /clearhits DEACTIVATED ! Did clear the current setting for the M2-M5 modes of the /hitsmode command.  73
  /clearmarks Removes all current NPC marks. See /gmarkpc. 74
  /clickthrough Turns off the general options "clickthrough self, mercs, pets": 75
  /combatmusic [on / off] Toggles the combat music. 76
  /compare Compares the achievements of the own character with a targeted character. See /aclearcompare. 77
  /compareexpedraid Expedition raid command to list the players that are not in both lists. 78
  /comparetaskraid Shared task raid command to list the players that are not in both lists. 79
  /consent [character name / group / guild / raid / fellowship] Grants a player character or the group, guild, raid, or fellowship, the permission to drag the current and future corpse(s). See also /deny and /autoconsent. 80
  /consider Displays details of a selected character (PC, NPC). 81
  /copylayout Opens the "Copy Layout" window where an existing UI layout can be selected which would replace the current one. 82
  /corpse [character name] Summons a player corpse to the player character. The owner of the corpse must grant /consent to the summoner. Mulitple corpses can be summoned at once when embedding the command into a hotbutton. 83
  /corpsedrag [character name] A selected player corpse is automatically dragged (chain summoned) by the player character until it gets dropped with /corpsedrop. It is possible to drag two corpses using this command and it is also possible to use /corpse to drag a third and with a hotbutton even more. 84
  /corpsedrop [character name] Stops dragging a player corpse. 85
D /decaycorpse Lets decay an own targeted corpse instantly. 86
  /decline Turns down a duel. You decline Player's invitation to a dual. Also used to decline a guildwar challenge. 87
  /delegategmarknpc Group leader feature only. Delegates or withdraws the role "Mark NPC" to or from a targeted PC group member. 88
  /delegategmasterlooter Group leader feature only. Delegates or withdraws the role "Master Looter" to or from a targeted PC group member. 89
  /delegatermarknpc Raid leader feature only. Delegates or withdraws the role "Mark NPC" to or from a targeted PC raid member. 90
  /delegatermasterlooter Raid leader feature only. Delegates or withdraws the role "Master Looter" to or from a targeted PC raid member. 91
  /deletepetition  DEACTIVATED !  Did allow the player to delete a current /petition. 92
  /deny [character name / group / guild / raid / fellowship] Revokes the permission previously given to a player character or group, guild, raid, or fellowship, to drag corpses. See also /consent and /autoconsent. 93
  /destroyitem Destroys an item that is placed on the cursor. Depending on the general options setting "Fast Item Destroy" there might appear a confirmation window first. Has the same function as the destroy button in the inventory window. 94
  /disband Used to disband a character from a group. If the character is the group leader it will disband the whole group. 95
  /discipline [disc name] [target name] Activates a discipline from the command line, for example /disc shield [character name]. 96
  /dismount Lets the player character get off a mount (horse, drogmor, wolf, etc.). 97
  /doability [# 1-10] Activates an ability or combat skill from the actions window (hide, sneak, fishing, disarm, etc.).    1-6 are abilities, 7-10 are combat skills. 98
  /dopropertinting DEACTIVATED ! Did turn on/off "proper tinting," which will tint only clothes instead of skin. 99
  /duck Character ducks, allowing to get through smaller spaces or for getting a better view. 100
  /duel Challenges a player character (You have challenged [player character Y] to a duel to the death). 101
  /dynamiclights Toggles light effects such as light stones. RECOMMENDED ON. 102
  /dzaddplayer [character name] Useable by expedition leaders to add a player character to their expedition instance.  The player of the character to be added has to approve this or the command fails. 103
  /dzhelp Lists the dynamic zone commands in the chat window. 104
  /dzlisttimers Lists any outstanding replay timers that the character haves for all expeditions.  This is the amount of time that the character must wait before being allowed to enter another instance of that zone. 105
  /dzmakeleader [character name] Useable by expedition leaders to transfer leadership to another player character. 106
  /dzplayerlist Useable by any player of a character that is currently assigned to a expedition to list all the members of the expedition. 107
  /dzquit Removes the own character from the currently assigned expedition. 108
  /dzremoveplayer [character name] Useable by expedition leaders to remove a player character from their expedition instance. 109
  /dzswapplayer [character name] Useable by expedition leaders to swap out one player character for another.  The player of the character to be added has to approve this, or the command fails. 110
E /emote [text] or :[text] or /me [text] Used to express feelings and actions. Adds the player character name infront of the text. 111
  /eqplayersguildupdate DEACTIVATED ! A guild leader was able use this command once every 24 hours to update the EQPlayers site with their current guild information. 112
  /eqplayersupdate DEACTIVATED ! A player was able use this command once every 24 hours to update the EQPlayers site with their current player character information. 113
  /exit Same as /quit. Will make your character go link dead and not all data might be saved. Use carefully ! 114
  /extralife Opens the browser to the Darkpaw Games team page for Extra Life. Added 2023-09-20. 115
F /facebook or /fb DEACTIVATED ! Did open the "EQ Share" window to send messages and EQ screenshots to the antisocial spyware sites Facebook and Twitter. 116
  /facepick DEACTIVATED ! Did bring up the face customization screen.  Luclin only command. 117
  /faction Opens the faction window. 118
  /familiar leave Sends the familiar away. 119
  /fastdrop [on / off / never] Toggles a prompt to prevent you from accidentally dropping an item. 120
  /feedback DEACTIVATED ! Did open the feedback window. Used to report feedback on items, quests, etc.. 121
  /filter [badword / ooc / say / group / guild / shout / tell] [on / off] Opens the chat options window. 122
  /find [NPC name] DEACTIVATED ! Brought up the find window for specific NPCs in certain zones. 123
  /finditem Opens the "Find Item" window. 124
  /findpc [character name] Activates the leadership command "Find PC" which displays a trail to the PC you specify. 125
  /follow [character name] Follows the movement of a targeted or specified character. 126
  /fontface [font name]  Changes the font of the chat window. 127
  /friends [character name] Adds or removes other characters to the friend list or shows the friend list. 128
  /fsay [message] Sends a message to the fellowship chat channel. 129
  /fullscreen Unknown use. Seems to be obsolete. 130
G /gems Play EQGems, another form of tetris. Added 2001-03-06. 131
  /getguildmotd This will show up the guilds message of the day. 132
  /gmarknpc or /marknpc [1 / 2 / 3] Activates the Group Mark NPC leadership ability, to mark 1, 2, or 3 NPCs depending on how many ability levels the group leader has. 133
  /groupleader Lists the name of the group leader in the chat window. 134
  /grouproles list Lists all the roles of the current player group. 135
  /grouproles roleset Lists the available role sets. 136
  /grouproles roleset delete Name Deletes a previously saved group role set. 137
  /grouproles roleset load Name Loads a previously saved group role set. 138
  /grouproles roleset save Name Saves the current group's role set. 139
  /grouproles set Name RoleID Sets the group member's role. 140
  /grouproles unset Name RoleID Unsets the group member's role. 141
  /gsay [message] Sends a message to the group chat channel. 142
  /guidehelp Please note the /guidehelp command is for quest/event feedback, wedding requests, questions regarding quests/events. Please be aware that all Customer Service issues must go through /petition for resolution.  143
  /guildcreate [guild name] Creates a new guild. Only available for All Access accounts. 144
  /guilddelete Only useable by guild leaders to disband their guild (Your Guild has now been disbanded). Includes a confirmation box. 145
  /guildinvite [character name / target] Only useable by guild leaders and guild officers. Invites another player character into your guild. 146
  /guildinvite o [character name / target] Only useable by guild leaders. Invites another player character into the guild for the rank of an officer. Current guild members that should get promoted must use the command "/guildremove" first. 147
  /guildleader [character name / target] Only useable by guild leaders. Transfers the guild leadership status to a guild officer. 148
  /guildmotd [message] Only useable by guild leaders and guild officers. Creates a guild message of the day. An already existing guildmotd will be replaced by the new one. 149
  /guildpeace [guild leader name] Only useable by guild leaders. Declares peace with an enemy guild and turns of PVP tags with the enemy guild. 150
  /guildremove [character name / target] Removes a player character from the guild. Only guild leaders and guild officers can use this command to remove other player characters from the guild. 151
  /guildsay [message] Sends a message to the guild chat channel. 152
  /guildstatus [character name / target] Displays informations about the guild status of a character. Even works on anonymous characters. 153
  /guildwar [guild leader name] [#days 1-14] Only useable by guild leaders. Declares war on an enemy guild. If the other guild leader accepts the challenge the guild war will become active and its possible to attack enemy guild members in PVP situations. 154
H /hail Hails the current target. Same function as pressing the H key. Usefull for macro buttons that can be activated by another key or by a mouse click. 155
  /help [class / normal / emote / guild / voice / chat] Lists game informations and commands. 156
  /hideafk DEACTIVATED ! Got replaced by /hidemodels. 157
  /hidecorpse [all / none / allbutgroup / always / alwaysnpc] Hides NPC corpses. PC corpses cannot be hidden anymore. 158
  /hidemodels [players / pets / mercenaries / all / none] [none / afk / afk noncombat / noncombat] Hides inactive player character models 159
  /hitsmode DEACTIVATED ! Allows the user to finely control how to display hits. This got implemented into the chat menues. 160
  /hotbutton [button name] Executes the action on the specified hotbutton. 161
  /hotbutton [name, color, text] Creates a new hotbutton. 162
I /ignore [character name] Ignores every chat of selected characters. 163
  /indicator [on / off] Toggles on/off the target indicator circle graphic. 164
  /inspect [target] Inspects an object that is targeted. Was used to inspect player characters, now it is used for interactive (Lost Dungeons of Norath) items. See "/toggleinspect" for the new inspect PC command. 165
  /inspectbuffs [mine] Activates the Inspect Buffs Leadership ability to tell the user what buffs the target does have. The second level of this Leadership AA also tells the user how much time is left on the buffs. The optional parameter "mine" lets the user know which buffs its character has casted on the target. 166
  /invite [character name] Invites players to your group. Also found on the action window menu. 167
  /invwinlabels DEACTIVATED ! Did toggle the descriptions for full screen inventory. 168
  /itemoverflow Opens the "Item Overflow" window. 169
J /join [[eq / eq2 / swg].[server name].[channel name] Joins a chat channel of another DBG game. (eq = EverQuest; eq2 = EverQuest II; swg = Star Wars Galaxies). 170
  /join [channel name] Lets the player character join or create a chat channel. If the channel does not yet exist it will be created and the player character will be added as a moderator for the channel. To leave a chat channel type: "/leave [channel name]". 171
  /join [server name].[channel name] Joins a chat channel of another EverQuest server. 172
K /keyrings Opens the "Key Rings" window for mounts, familiars, illusions, Hero's Forge and teleportation items. 173
  /keys Opens the key section of the achievement window where all activated keys are listed. Until the release of the Terror of Luclin expansion in 2020-12-07 it did list the keys on the key ring in the chat window. The key ring was NOT the same as the "key rings" feature ! The keys that was listed there did not had to be kept in the inventory to open the appropriate lock and could had been destroyed. Keys could only be added and not removed from the keyring. 174
  /kickplayers [task / exp / raid] Removes all player characters from a shared task, expedition or raid. 175
L /language Displays the currently used language. 176
  /language [# 1-23] Sets a language. 177
  /language help Lists all useable languages in the chat window. 178
  /leave [channel name] Removes the player character from a chat channel. 179
  /leaveall Removes the player character from all chat channels 180
  /leaverealestate The player character leaves a house or guild hall in Sunrise Hills. 181
  /lfgroup [on / off} Toggles the "looking for group" status and LFG name tag which when being active do indicate that the PC is looking for a group. Characters with an "LFG" tag can be found in search results like "/who lfg all". Without a parameter the command opens the "Group Search Window". 182
  /lfguild Opens the "Guild Search Window". 183
  /list [channel name / #channel] Using this command without the [channel] parameter will list all of the channels that your character is joined to, the channel number, and will show the amount of player characters in that channel. The channel number is specific to individual users, so two people in the same channel may not have the same channel number for that channel. Using the command with a [channel name] parameter will list the members of the channel by name. 184
  /loadskin [folder name] [1 or 0] Without a parameter this opens the "load a skin" window. The "folder name" is the name of the folder where the skin is located. That folder must be located in the UIFiles directory). The last argument should be "1" if you want to use your current INI settings for the new skin, or "0" if you want to load the positions/sizes from the XML (and then appropriately modify them for your resolution). 185
  /location or /loc Displays the PCs location in an alphanumeric format. "Your Location is X, Y, Z." can cross ref this with a map to get a clue or your location in the zone. Z is the third vertically (height) axis called Z-axis. 186
  /log [on / off} Toggles log filing. Writes all the text from all windows into "eqlog_character_server" in the Everquest log directory. 187
  /loginterval [# seconds] Without a parameter it shows the current log file write interval in seconds. The interval can be changed by adding a number. Short log intervals do increase hardware lag. 188
  /loot [corpse name] Without a parameter it loots the targeted corpse. Great for hardly reachable corpses in water, lava or if they are stuck in a wall. As example "/loot a_rat" will target the next nearby corpse of "a rat's corpse" and grants access to its loot. 189
  /lootnodrop [always / sometimes / never] Specifies how to loot "no drop" items on corpses. Always is default and will cause a prompt box to always be shown when looting no drop items. Set to sometimes so only items not usable by the player character will show a prompt box. When set to never, there will never appear a confirmation box. 190
M /makeleader [character name / target] Allows a group leader to assign group leadership to another group member. 191
  /makeraidleader [character name / target] Allows a raid leader to assign raid leadership to another raid member. 192
  /map [startline / endline / addpoint / automap / color #Red #Green #Blue] Requires an open map window. The RGB color values are 0-255. Example: "/map color 100 100 100". 193
  /marketplace Opens the marketplace window. 194
  /marknpc Same function as /gmarknpc now, see there. Did use the AA leadership command "Mark NPC" which added a special target reticle around an NPC on the floor. 195
  /mcicontrol [file / driver / device] Specifies CD players or MP3 players. 196
  /mcicontrol [play / pause / stop / step / back / eject] [cdaudio] Specifies an audio function for the CD/DVD drive. 197
  /me [text] or :[text] or /emote [text] Used to express feelings and actions. Adds the character name infront of the text. 198
  /melody [# 1-99] For looping (twisting) bard songs automatically. As example /melody 1 2 3 loops the memoried songs 1-3 until aborted by the player or by a stun. 199
  /memspellset [name] Memories the current spell set, and saves it as [name]. 200
  /memspellslot [# spell slot] [spell ID / spell name] Memorizes a spell into a specific spell gem slot. Spell ID "0" forgets a specific memorized spell. 201
  /mercassist [on / off] Toggles the mercenary's auto assist function. Requires an unsuspended mercenary. Without a parameter is calls the merc for assistance when /mercassist is turned off. 202
  /merclog Generates a mercenary logfile on the server. Can be used once a minute and requires an unsuspended mercenary. Can be used for bug reports and petitions it seems. 203
  /mercswitch [# mercenary] Without a parameter it lists the current and the available mercenaries. To switch the mercenary its number has to be added. 204
  /mercwindows Toggles the mercenary window on/off. 205
  /mixahead [# 1-100] You should only use this command if you are experiencing sounds skipping. The default value for this command is 8. Basically, this command tells the sound engine how far ahead to pre-mix your sound. The larger the number the further ahead it mixes. So if you are experiencing skipping, you may want to try increasing the mixahead value in small increments (increase it by 2 or 4 at a time). A setting of about 16 is probably as large as you should need, greater than that will cause your sounds to be noticeably delayed. 206
  /motd Displays the Message of the Day for your server. 207
  /mousespeed [# 0-3] Changes the mouse sensitivity. 208
  /movelog Using /movelog with a parameter of yes will tag your characters to be permanently moved to another server. Normally only when SoE/DBG announces a server move. 209
  /mp3 Opens up the in game mp3 player window. 210
  /msg [character name] [message] Sends another player a message. Same as /tell and /send. 211
N /netstats Lists the network connection status in form of ping times and packet loss. 212
  /note Opens the "notes.txt" file in the Everquest directory. File size is limited to 455 characters. 213
O /offlinemode Only works in the bazaar zone. The character must be in trader or buyer mode and will continue doing so while the game client is (brought) offline. 214
  /ooc [message] Sends a message to the zone wide ooc (out of character) chat channel. 215
  /open Opens a door your mouse is hovering over. Attempts to open LDoN traps and chests etc. 216
  /outputfile [achievements / guild / raid / spellbook / inventory / guildbank / realestate / guildhall / missingspells /  recipes <tradeskill name> / faction] [filename] Creates a text file containing a list of the specified section into the EverQuest main folder. Optionally a file name can be added. 217
  /overseer Opens the Overseer window where the player can send agents on missions for special rewards like character experience, mercenary experience, overseer currency, ornaments, tradeskill items and collection items. 218
P /paperdoll DEACTIVATED ! Did update the player character image on the EQPlayers website. 219
  /particledensity [off / low / med / high] Adjusts the general particle cloud density. Can be adjusted more precise in the display options window. 220
  /pause [# time in tenth of a second] Hotbutton macro only command. Adds a pause function between two commands. Can be put infront of another command, separated by a coma or semicolon, into the same command line but will be activated after the other command. As example: "/pause 40,/cast 2" first activates the second spell slot and then a pause of four seconds. /pause and /timer can be stacked into the same command line together with a third command. 221
  /pet [attack / kill] The pet will attack the current targeted mob. Can also be used to add targets to the pet's hate list. 222
  /pet [get lost / leave] Kills the pet. 223
  /pet [health / report] Displays the pet's health in percentage and also lists it's active buffs. 224
  /pet [leader / who leader] The targeted pet says the name of its master. Without a target it activates the own pet to do so if available. 225
  /pet [leave / get lost] Destroys the own pet with all of its items. 226
  /pet [no taunt / notaunt] The pet will not taunt its target. 227
  /pet [spellhold  / no cast] Toggles pet casting (on/off). Requires a certain level of the Pet Discipline AA. 228
  /pet as you were DEACTIVATED ! Did return the pet to the neutral status, belaying all prior orders. 229
  /pet attack [target name] The pet will attack the designated target. As example "/pet attack a_rat". 230
  /pet back off Clears the pet's hatelist. It will then stop to attack its current targets and returns to its master or guard location IF not getting new mob aggro. See also "/pet regroup". 231
  /pet feign Allows a Necromancer pet to attempt to Feign Dead (subject to the Necromancer have the relevant AA). 232
  /pet focus The pet ignores all other opponents and attacks automatically when it's master targets a mob from it's aggro list until it's current target is dead. Requires a certain level of the Pet Discipline AA. 233
  /pet follow The pet follows its master. 234
  /pet get ale DEACTIVATED ! Ever seen a drunk pet? It's not a mages fault when a pet is naughty ! 235
  /pet ghold Prevents the pet from attacking a mob for any reason until explicitly told by its master. Greater Hold: Does NOT automatically add mobs to the hate list but they can be added by "/attack" and "/qattack". Good for pulling mobs. Requires a certain level of the Pet Discipline AA. 236
  /pet guard The pet will guard and defend its current location and its master if he is within range. 237
  /pet guard here DEACTIVATED ! The pet will guard and defend its current location and its master if he is within range. Got replaced by "/pet guard". 238
  /pet guard me DEACTIVATED ! The pet will attack anyone that attacks it's master and will assist its master. 239
  /pet hold Prevents the pet from attacking a mob for any reason until explicitly told by its master. Then attacks mob by mob from its hate list. Mobs that aggro on the pet do get added automatically to its hate list. Requires a certain level of the Pet Discipline AA. 240
  /pet inventory check Returns a list of the pet's currently equipped items. Added 2024-01-09. 241
  /pet inventory destroy [# slot] or [slot name] Destroys the item that the pet has in the chosen slot. Instead of the slot number the slot name can be used: /pet inventory destroy legs. Added 2024-01-09. 242
  /pet qattack Queue attack. Adds targets to the pet's hate list. Requires a certain level of the Pet Discipline AA. 243
  /pet qswarm or /swarm qattack Adds the current target to the swarm pets hate list. Requires a certain level of the Pet Discipline AA. 244
  /pet regroup Toggles the pet to regroup [on/off]. While being active this command does NOT clear the pet's hatelist but puts it into a passive status where it ignores all targets on it's hatelist and returns to it's master or guard location. This command is similar to the mercenary command "/stance passive" and an advanced version of "/pet back off". Requires a certain level of the Pet Discipline AA. 245
  /pet sit Toggles the pet to sit/stand. Health, endurance and mana points do get regenerated faster while sitting. 246
  /pet stand DEACTIVATED ! Pet did stand up. Got replaced by "/pet sit" as a toggle. 247
  /pet stop Stops the pet from attacking its current target. 248
  /pet swarm or /swarm attack Commands the swarm pet to attack the current target. Requires a certain level of the Pet Discipline AA. 249
  /pet swarmleave or /swarm leave Dismisses swarm pets. 250
  /pet target Targets your pet. Cycling the F1 key also does this. 251
  /pet taunt [on / off] Without a parameter it toggles taunt on or off. Else it can state taunt on or taunt off. 252
  /petition [message] DEACTIVATED ! Was used to ask a GM or guide for assistance. Now links to an external support site. See also "/report". 253
  /pickzone [#instance zone] When multiple instances of a zone are available the command allows to select an instance. 254
  /pickzonefewestplayers When multiple instances of a zone are available the command allows to select the instance with the fewest players. 255
  /played Displays the character's birthday, age, total play time, session play time, total time entitled on the account. 256
Q /quit Same as /exit. Will make your character go link dead and not all data might be saved. Use carefully ! 257
R /racechange Opens the "Race Change" window where the character's race, deity and starting city can be changed. Requires a Race Change Scroll from the marketplace (2500 DB) in the inventory. 258
  /raidaccept Allows a player character to join a raid after receiving a raid invitation. 259
  /raiddecline Declines a raid invitation. 260
  /raidinvite [character name / target] Invites another player character to the raid. 261
  /raidremove [character name / target] Removes another player character from the raid. 262
  /raidsay [message] Sends a message to the raid chat channel. 263
  /raidwindow Opens the raid window. 264
  /random [number / number number] Rolls a virtual dice. Can be used to share loot in a group. 265
  /realestate [items / manage / trophies / plot] Opens several real estate windows. "Manage" and "Plot" do require to be in a neighborhood. 266
  /removeraidlooter [character name / target] Removes the current target or the specified player character from the list of valid looters in the raid. 267
  /renameguild Renames the guild. Requires to set a guild rename flag. 268
  /reply Can be used to reply to a tell. Has the same function like the default 'R' key. 269
  /report [character name being reported] Sends the last (bottommost) 20 chat text lines of each open chat window to the support team starting with the main chat window. It also offers the option to open a Customer Service ticket in an external web browser. Can be used to report violating gameplay and has to be used in combination with a Custumer Service ticket where the report should be noted. To properly use this command, use Shift-PgUp to scroll until the suspect text is in the chat window, then type "/report CharacterName". The command can be used once every minute. 270
  /resetaa Test server only: Resets the Advanced Abilities of the player character. 271
  /resetwindows Resets all windows to their default position and size. 272
  /reveal ? Reveals targeted objects. Further info needed ! 273
  /reverb [on / off] DEACTIVATED ! Did toggle the reverb (echo) sounds. 274
  /reversesound [normal / reverse] DEACTIVATED ! Did swap the left and right sound channels. 275
  /reward Opens the reward window. 276
  /rewind Helps to free the character if it has become stuck in the geometry (i.e. Tree, Floor, Door, etc!). Need to stand still for 30 seconds before using. Added in 2004-03-23. 277
  /rmarknpc (1 / 2 / 3) Activates the Raid Mark NPC AA leadership ability, to mark 1, 2, or 3 NPCs depending on how many ability levels the raid leader does have. 278
  /roleplay Hides the character's level, race, class, and location but not the guild name. The character and guild name tags do turn purple. 279
  /rtarget or /rt Automatically targets the player who just sent you a tell, and places them in the Target Window. NOTE: This ability is subject to the range to the target. 280
  /run Activates run which lets the character move faster. 281
S /safelock [password] Locks the EverQuest interface (mostly just mouse clicks, keyboard commands/movement, and most slash commands) with the password that the user supplies to the command. Using this command a second time, supplying the same password, unlocks the interface. Passwords are NOT case-sensitive. 282
  /say [message] or '[message] Sends a public message that all player characters that are close to you can read. 283
  /sdriver DEACTIVATED ! Did write sound card information to the file "adriver.txt". Seems to be buged or obsolete. 284
  /send [character name] [message] Sends a message to another player. Same as /tell and /msg. 285
  /serverfilter [on / off] DEACTIVATED ! Toggled packet messages from other players. Helped to cut down lag on raid situations. 286
  /servertransfer Opens the server transfer list window where a new server and character name could be selected for the current character. A Character Transfer Token (2500 DB) from the marketplace might be required. Use carefully as a server move might not be revoked ! 287
  /setloottype [# 1-3] Sets who can loot corpses in the raid: 1 = raid leader; 2 = raid leader and group leaders; 3 = raid leader and selected player characters (with /addraidlooter). 288
  /setstartcity [# ID] Can be used once by some characters with multiple starting cities or those whose starting city was reset accidentally. Can be used only once so use carefully ! Known ID codes: 3 = Surefall Glade; 50 = Rathe Mountains; 52 = Grobb; 54 = Greater Faydark; 394 = Crescent Reach. 289
  /shadows [on / off] [shadow clip distance] Toggles the shadows and adjusts their clip plane (view distance). Can also be set in the advanced display options window. 290
  /share DEACTIVATED ! Did open the "EQ Share" window to send messages and EQ screenshots to the antisocial spyware sites Facebook and Twitter. 291
  /shield [character name] Level 30 warrior class skill. Activates the shield command on a PC target, shielding it from incomming melee damage. 292
  /shieldgroup Level 30 warrior class skill. Activates the shield command on the whole group, shielding it from incomming melee damage. 293
  /shout [message] Sends a message to the zone wide shout chat channel. This is an in-character channel. 294
  /showgrass [on / off] Toggles the display of grass textures. 295
  /shownames [on / off / # 1-7] Affects the overhead PC names. On = Showing everything; Off = Don't show player names; 1 = First name only; 2 = First name + last name; 3 = First name + last name + guild name; 4 = Showing everything; 5 = Title + first name; 6 = Title + first name + last name; 7 = First name + guild name. Also, the LFG, AFK and LD tags will always be shown if names are not turned off. Red names are PvP. 296
  /shownpcnames [on / off] Toggles NPC name tags. 297
  /showspelleffects [on / off] Toggles spell particle effects Added in 2001-03-27. 298
  /sit [on / off] Toggles the character between sit and stand. Health, endurance and mana points do get regenerated faster while sitting. 299
  /split [ #platin, #gold, #silver, #copper] Splits a certain amount of money with the group. Example: "/split 10 0 5" would share 10 pp, 0 gp and 5 sp. The sum gets divided by the amount of group members. 300
  /stance [passive / aggressive / burn / efficient / balanced / reactive] Sets the mercenary stance (behaviour). 301
  /stand Causes the character to stand (up). 302
  /stopcast Immediately stops casting a spell, does the same as 'D' duck. 303
  /stopdisc Stops a running discipline. 304
  /stopsocial Stops a social command like a running macro of a hotbutton. Right clicking an active macro hotbutton has the same function. 305
  /stopsong Bards can use this command within their hotkeys to stop performing their songs. 306
  /stoptracking Used by classes with the tracking skill (DRU, RNG, BRD) to stop tracking their current tracking target. 307
  /surname [surname] Can be used to assign a surname behind the name of a level 20 or higher player character. This can be used multiple times but is limited to once per month. The surname can contain a second capital letter and a single accent (' ´ `) character. 308
  /survey DEACTIVATED ! Removed in 2019-06-19, because the command was no longer in use 309
  /swarm [attack / qattack / leave] Commands temporary swarm pets to attack, queue attack or to leave. Added 2023-09-20.
These commands have identical effects as the /pet swarm, /pet qswarm, and /pet swarmleave commands.
  /system [command] [arguments] Executes any DOS/Windows program with optional arguments. For example: /system notepad c:\notes.txt. Note that EnableSystemCommand=1 must be set in the [default] section of EqClient.ini to enable this command. 311
T /target [NPC or PC name] The command can be used to target other player characters (PCs), NPCs, and corpses by name. This ability is subject to the range of the target and at identical target names the closest target will be selected automatically. Empty spaces in names must be replaced by underscores. Wrong: "/target a rat"; Right: "/target a_rat" or just "/target a". 312
  /target pet DEACTIVATED ! Did allowed a player to target the own pet. Handy for those classes which have multiple pet names. 313
  /targetgroupbuff or /tgb [on / off] DEACTIVATED ! Allowed a spellcaster to throw group buffs on a group without the need to be inside this group. TGB is now always active. 314
  /targetoftarget Toggles the Target's Target window on/off. 315
  /taskaddplayer [character name] Invites another player character to a shared task. 316
  /taskmakeleader [character name] Assigns the task leadership to another player charakter. Can only be done by active task leaders of an ongoing shared task. 317
  /taskoverlay Toggles the taskoverlay window on/off. 318
  /taskplayerlist Shows the task leader and members of a shared task in the chat window. 319
  /taskquit Quits an ongoing shared task and starts a request timer of 1 minute. 320
  /taskremoveplayer [character name] Removes another player character from a shared task. 321
  /tasktimers Lists the current task replay timers. 322
  /tcg DEACTIVATED ! Did load the trading card game (TCG) Legends of Norrath within EQ. 323
  /tell [character name] [message] Sends another player a message. Same as /send and /msg. [tell and ;tell also works. 324
  /testbuffme Test server only: Raises the player character to level 25 including a set of items. 325
  /testcopy Creates a copy of the current player character on the test server. 326
  /time Displays Norrath and earth time & date. 327
  /timer [# time in tenth of a second] Hotbutton macro only command. Adds and activate a cooldown animation onto a hotbutton. Can be put infront of another command, separated by a coma or semicolon, into the same command line but will be activated after the other command. As example: "/timer 40,/cast 2" first activates the second spell slot and then a cooldown animation of four seconds to the hotbutton. /pause and /timer can be stacked into the same command line together with a third command. 328
  /toggleinspect [on / off] Toggles the ability to inspect the gear of player characters with a right-click on them. Mounted PCs cannot be inspected. 329
  /trackfilter [red / yellow / white / blue / green] Ranger class only. Specify here what NPC /con colors you do not want to see in your racking display. For example, /trackfilter Red will remove all 'red' (dangerous) NPCs from your tracking display. 330
  /trackmercs Ranger class only. Toggles the visibility of mercenaries inside the tracking window. 331
  /trackpets Ranger class only. Toggles the visibility of pets inside the tracking window. 332
  /trackplayers [on / off] Ranger class only. Toggles the visibility of players inside the tracking window. 333
  /tracksort [normal / distance / consider / Rdistance / Rconsider] Ranger class only. Sorts the tracking results by a certain parameter. Normal = Latest spawns on top. 334
  /trader Only works in the bazaar zone. Opens the bazaar vendor window to set items for sale. 335
  /tribute [personal / guild] [on / off / favor] Toggles personal and guild tribute on/off and can show the amount of favor in the chat. 336
  /trophy [personal / guild] [on / off] Toggles personal and guild trophy on/off. 337
  /ttell Sends a tell to a targeted player character. Also works when a PC corpse is targeted. 338
  /twitter or /tweet DEACTIVATED ! Did open the "EQ Share" window to send messages and EQ screenshots to the antisocial spyware sites Facebook and Twitter. 339
U /ui [reloadhtml] Reloads the HTML UI files. 340
  /ui [scale] [# 0.25-2.50] Converted UI windows can be scaled using the slider in the Display tab of the Options window or by using the /ui scale command. 341
  /uptime Shows the world (server) and zone run times in the output format dd:hh:mm:ss (days, hours, minutes, seconds) inside the main chat window. 342
  /url [URL] Opens a website or local file with the standard application program. For example "/url www.everquest.com" or "/url c:/notes.txt". 343
  /useadvlooting Toggles the Advanced Looting System on/off. 344
  /usecolor [window name, #red, #green, #blue] DEACTIVATED ! Changed the text color of a chat window. The RGB color values were 0 -255. 345
  /useitem [itemname] or /useitem [slot # 0-32] [subindex #bag slot] Activates a clickable item. Its usefull to embedd this command into hotbuttons. Slot = Inventory slot; Subindex = bag slot. 346
  /usercolor [#channel number, #red, #green, #blue] Changes the font color of a chat channel. The RGB color values are 0 -255. The chat options window offers the same functions at more comfort. 347
  /usercolor [help / page # 1-7] Lists the numbers of the chat channels. 348
  /usetarget Left clicks a targeted player character or right clicks a targeted NPC to help facilitate interactions in crowded areas. 349
  /usurp Allows a player character or senior officer to take leadership of a guild if the guild does not currently have a guild leader, or if the guild leader has been offline for more than a year. 350
V /veteranreward DEACTIVATED ! Used to /claim special veteran reward AAs starting with the Dragons of Norrath expansion. Obsolete on live servers since 2020-03-11. 351
  /vgroup [# 1-10] Using the Omens of War voice macro feature you can now play voice number # to your group, via a chat command. 352
  /viewpetition DEACTIVATED !  Did allow the user to view a current queued /petition. 353
  /viewport [distance from left, distance from top, width, height] The viewport command allows the user to change the size of the game world area on it's screen. It does not work well with the screenshot function but can help to reduce lag and gain a wider angle of view. 354
  /voicechat [join] [channel name] DEACTIVATED ! Did join a voice chat channel. Removed in 2020-08-19. 355
  /voicechat [kick / ban / unban] [character name] DEACTIVATED ! For channel moderators only. Did kick, ban or unban a player from the current channel. 356
  /voicechat [mute / unmute] [character name] DEACTIVATED ! For channel moderators only. Did mute or unmute a player for everyone in the current channel. 357
  /voicechat [on / off] DEACTIVATED !  Did toggle the voice bar on/off. Without a parameter it did list the voice chat commands. 358
  /voicechat [setpushtotalk] [true / false] DEACTIVATED !  "Push to talk" or "microphone always on". 359
  /vplay [# 1-12] Using the new OoW voice macro feature you can play voice number # locally, via a chat command. 360
  /vraid [# 1-12] Using the new OoW voice macro feature you can play voice number # to your raid, via a chat command. 361
  /vrdelay [# 1-5] DEACTIVATED ! Changed time delay for voice recognition software. 362
  /vtell [character name] [# 1-12] Using the new OoW voice macro feature you can play voice number # via tell to (name), via a chat command. 363
W /waypoint Draws a find path to a specific xyz coordinate location. This location is also marked on the map. Example: /waypoint 50,-50,100. The z-axis is optional. 364
  /welcomescreen DEACTIVATED ! Did load the welcome screen. 365
  /who Lists all player characters of the zone. 366
  /who [all] Lists all player characters of the server. 367
  /who [level min - level max] [all] Lists all player characters withing a certain level range. 368
  /who [level] [all] Lists all player characters of a certain level. 369
  /who [name / guild / "guild name" / class name / friend / lfg] [all] Lists all player characters of a certain name, the character's guild, guild, class, friends, or those looking for a group in the zone or world. 370
  /who corpse Lists all the corpses that a certain player character has in the current zone. 371
  /who GM [all] Lists all Game Masters and guides that are online. 372
  /whotarget or /whot [character name] Does a "/who" on a certain player character (targeted). 373
  /wincolor [window name, #red, #green, #blue, #trans] DEACTIVATED ! This command allowed players with the Scars of Velious expansion or later, to change the color and transparency of the background for all of the window boxes for the updated user interface. Where, <window name> = CHAT, SPELL, PLAYER, PARTY, TARGET, BUFF, DATA, MAIN, INV, TRACK, or HOTBOX, <red> <green> <blue> = 0 to 255, <trans> = 0 = off, 1 = 25, 2 = 50, 3 = 75, 4 = 100 percent. To reset a window color use /wincolor <window name> reset. 374
  /www [URL] Activates the standard web browser to open a website. Example: /www everquest.com 375
X /xtarget [add / remove] Adds the current target to the next available slot or removes the last added target. 376
  /xtarget auto [on / off] Toggles auto-hater-targeting. 377
  /xtarget load [target set name / auto] Loads a saved xtarget set. Example: "/xtarget load Auto" sets all slots to Auto (Hater). This is a standard set that not appeared on the load list. 378
  /xtarget remove target Removes the targeted player character from slots not using rolls (specific PC/NPC slots). 379
  /xtarget save [target set name] Saves an xtarget set. Example: "/xtarget save Group". 380
  /xtarget set [#slot] [role / character name] Assigns a role, player character, or NPC to a specific slot. Example: "/xtarget set 1 grouptank". 381
  /xtarget show [on / off] Toggles the extended target window on/off. 382
  /xtarget target [#slot] or /xtarget [#slot] Selects a target at a specific slot. 383
Y /yell Yell for help. Alerts other players around the yelling character with a text signal including its rough location. Since 2023-04-19 the player character name gets added to the chat also. On the Oakwynd TLP server, yelling unlocks a targeted NPC while having aggro. 384
  ;ignore Blocks all cross server chat messages including tells. 385
  ;invisible The player character appears being offline on the friend list and in chat channels and it's name won't appear on the top. It can still receive messages. 386
  ;opadd [character name] [channel name] Adds a player character as a permanent operator to a chat channel. 387
  ;oplist [channel name] Shows the owner and the operators of a chat channel. 388
  ;opremove [character name] [channel name] Removes a player character as a permanent operator from a chat channel. 389
  ;setowner [character name] [channel name] Sets a new owner to a chat channel. The current owner must had joined the channel to do so. 390
  ;tell [eq / eq2 / swg].[server name].[character name] Cross game tell. (eq = EverQuest; eq2 = EverQuest II; swg = Star Wars Galaxies). 391
  ;tell [server name].[character name] Cross server tell. 392