Complete Tradeskill Guide 6.1
Last Update 6-24-2020
(Server-wide Drop Edition)
Suggestions on corrections/recipes to include are welcome!
The original Complete Tradeskill Guide was the masterpiece of Secone and was further maintained by Shakspeer. I claim, nor accept, any recognition for the recipes or skill-up paths shown here; I've merely taken the posts from others and compiled them into a logical/feasible/economical route to follow. The groundwork was laid long before I decided to put forth any effort to clean this up.
Recent expansions have provided the EQ Tradeskiller with a multitude of choices for skilling up in different tradeskills and the great number of random drops Serverwide has dropped Bazaar prices for ingredients to rock-bottom. For example; Jewelcrafting was arguably the most expensive Tradeskill for a number of years, but with the introduction of Uncut Gems, players can now take their character from 54 (following the Freebies) to 300 (even Max Trophy!) for chicken-scratch (okay, maybe a little bit more than chicken-scratch, but you get the idea). The following is a recommended path for skilling up. I've cut out the original skill-up path that dealt with more expensive methods of advancement. As with all items that require foraging or farming, if you have the plat to buy items for sale in the Bazaar or the means to set up a Buyer toon in the Bazaar, it could decrease or eliminate your farming time dramatically or even entirely. Always use your own best judgment for your own skill up path. For example, if you're rolling in the dough and can afford to buy all your items instead of farming them, then it might be faster for you to stick to one of the higher trivial path items rather than switching from making one item to another. On the other hand, if you're strapped for plat and have all the time in the world to farm items and maybe those items just happen to drop from mobs that will yield you experience and levels, then maybe a farming route is more for you.
This charm gains power as your Baking, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelcrafting, Pottery, Blacksmithing and Tailoring skills increase.
***Alchemy, Fishing, Poison Making, Spell Research and Tinkering have no affect on this Charm.
Last Update 6-24-2020
(Server-wide Drop Edition)
Suggestions on corrections/recipes to include are welcome!
The original Complete Tradeskill Guide was the masterpiece of Secone and was further maintained by Shakspeer. I claim, nor accept, any recognition for the recipes or skill-up paths shown here; I've merely taken the posts from others and compiled them into a logical/feasible/economical route to follow. The groundwork was laid long before I decided to put forth any effort to clean this up.
Originally Posted by Shakespeer
Complete Tradeskill Guide 5.0
Revised January 6, 2009. Suggestions on corrections/recipes to include are welcome!
Well, Secone has left the building and I've spent some time updating Secone's outdated tradeskill guide with additional links, updates and alternatives to make my revision the most comprehensive skillup guide around. So, credit goes to Secone for the original 3.0 guide that this is based on. EQ has changed and will continue to change and I'll keep this guide as up to date as possible, with updates reflected from posts, comments and my personal trade skilling, time permitting.
Complete Tradeskill Guide 5.0
Revised January 6, 2009. Suggestions on corrections/recipes to include are welcome!
Well, Secone has left the building and I've spent some time updating Secone's outdated tradeskill guide with additional links, updates and alternatives to make my revision the most comprehensive skillup guide around. So, credit goes to Secone for the original 3.0 guide that this is based on. EQ has changed and will continue to change and I'll keep this guide as up to date as possible, with updates reflected from posts, comments and my personal trade skilling, time permitting.
This charm gains power as your Baking, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelcrafting, Pottery, Blacksmithing and Tailoring skills increase.
***Alchemy, Fishing, Poison Making, Spell Research and Tinkering have no affect on this Charm.